Use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Public health assessment of dioxin-contaminated fish at former U.S. airbase, Bien Hoa, Vietnam. I was stationed there in 1975 for basic training and shortly afterwards noticed lesions inside of my nose and was treated for ovarian cancer 10 years ago and have thyroid problems. While we were in Vietnam, we were told that the spraying will kill everything that grows but will not cause humans any problems. We are sorry that this post was not as useful for you! There is no history in either my wife or my family of Spina Bifida. Numbness, prickly or tingling feeling in your hands and feet. Dont do it alone! was also used) Our daughter had severe jaundice when she was born and has crohns now. AO has been proven to be multi-generational. I developed Diabetes ll in 2001 and applied for diisability at that time. The IOM looks for the highest quality studies. Your Agent Orange Registry Health Exam will include: You do not have to enroll in the VA health care system to receive a registry health exam. Swelling The names derived from colour-coded bands painted around storage drums holding the herbicides. . my husband served in the Arkansas Army National Guard at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas from around 1970 to 2004. Thank you for your help. Separately, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs awarded compensation to about 1,800 veterans. Should Veterans With VA Health Care Sign Up for Medicare? Sad. He is at 20% for agent orange-related diabetes, but he also has the neuropathy, COPD, and I suspect congestive heart failure, although it has not been confirmed. People got the effects of Agent Orange after exposure to the herbicide. I was rated 30% upon retirement after 30 years for Advancd Atherosclorisis. How about talking about Ft. McClellan the moat contaminated site in the United States.Nobody ever brings it up,but 60 minutes DoD a report on Ft. McClellan you cant even get now.Monsanto,and our crooked government knew about this,and never informed the military.Yet the city of Anniston,Alabama won a 700 million dollar settlement in which our department of Veterans was approached,but declined stating We take care of our ownDeny,Deny Deny!!!! Clarify how you will be screened for any potential problem. Seattle, WA: 506 2nd Ave,Suite 1400,Seattle, WA 98104. As his health went downhill and he had chronic pain attributed to arthritis and became impossible to walk very far or stand, he saw doctors and several ER visits. Seems funny that Prostrate Cancer is listed yet not Colon Cancer. I just flew helicopters for two years. While U.S. veterans have been compensated for their exposure to the herbicide mix since they filed a lawsuit in 1979, Vietnamese peoples efforts to secure similar compensation in a 2004 lawsuit was rejected by a U.S. court. Will you give more info on Dr Erickson Healthy as an ox until age 79, came down with acute leukemia and died a year later. CANCER OF THE BONE MARROW..I HAVE LIVED WELL SERVED WELL AND BEEN WELL, DONT GIVE UP MY FELLOW VETERANSNEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN..THE VA IS NOT YOUR GOD BLESS ALL THE LADIES THAT SERVED IN NAM AND RISKED TIER HEALTH AND SAFETY AS WELL. Is there a test to show if you are an Agent Orange victim? My life has been forever changed because of Agent Orange. Removal surgery or radiation for cancers. end of subject. The chemicals in the herbicide affect everyone who had exposure differently. Some new theory out there suggesting PSA tests not be done on men 0ver 77-78. Summary. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Use more good research. Ive been trying to get VA medical for years and keep getting turned down. Was in RVN form 7/65- 7/66, mostly at Danang at Monkey Mountain in 603d AC&W Sqdn. Because of how my father has been treated by VA, I HATE I served my country for 25 DAMN years! The Veterans Administration (VA) recognizes that certain cancers and other so-called "presumptive conditions" are associated with Agent Orange exposure during military service. That is that my claim is still in progress. (, Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information. Among the Vietnamese, exposure to Agent Orange is considered to be the cause of an abnormally high incidence of miscarriages, skin diseases, cancers, birth defects, and congenital malformations (often extreme and grotesque) dating from the 1970s. Yes. That said, the different diseases Agent Orange can cause each has its own visible symptoms. Cleveland Clinic Community Care puts patients first by offering comprehensive, coordinated, personalized healthcare. VA assumes that certain diseases can be related to a Veteran's qualifying military service. I lost 2 babies before conceiving my oldest who just turned 6. We guide our clients through the most difficult times in their lives with courtesy, respect, and professionalism. The U.S. military used over 20 million gallons of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam in order to strip the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army of cover and concealment and to kill off crops they depended on to feed their fighters. If you are an eligible veteran (see below for eligibility criteria), you dont have to prove that Agent Orange caused your condition or made it worse. Chloracne (or similar acneiform diseases). Absorbing it through your eyes, mouth or breaks in your skin while the chemicals were in the air. Symptoms could include the following: Acne on your face, including blackheads. It was common for U.S. forces to operate in the immediate vicinity of areas that were sprayed with defoliant. I did all the research and we filled out forms, filed them ourselves and called directly to follow up. let the va decide which is related and which is not all they can do is say no to each specific claim, or they might surprise you and say yes. free of charge. For no one mention the agent till just these past couple of year. Lady Michelle Obama, help and rescue my family, especially my husband conditions, he was had 3 back surgeries before and L4 L5 for knees surgeries. Pounding feeling in chest, neck, or ears. I have had prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes etc. For example, ponds at a former U.S. air base in Bien Hoa, Vietnam, are still contaminated with Agent Orange in 2023. People who come into contact with Agent Orange, depending on the length, intensity, and timing of their exposure, may suffer from skin diseases or congenital deformations. I have informed them that I dont have nor have I been able to obtain the medical records, just as they have been unable to obtain them. If you are aVietnamveterandiagnosed with a qualifying condition, and you meet the service criteria outlined above, you may be eligible for VA treatment of your Agent Orange-related condition. 2016;74(1):143-170. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2015.05.006. His claim was denied but I have been fighting for more than 4 years for my husband and all the soldiers that have trained at Fort Chaffee, Ark. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. When I told the VA Agent Orange representative from the Hampton Virginia VA Hospital about my exposure and that I had pictures to prove my claim he replied I dont care if you have pictures of you drinking Agent Orange, if you werent assigned to a Vietnam APO you have NO CLAIM! The defoliant, sprayed from low-flying aircraft, consisted of approximately equal amounts of the unpurified butyl esters of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T). Thats good for me but what about my daughter. Compensation is based on the condition, its severity (defined according to standard VA tables and physicians guides), and your familial status. What about the pyristomine bromide test done on us in the 80 and 90s at various Air Force basesthe bromide destroyed our endocrine systems. I notice all of the Cancers listed with a big exceptionColon Cancer. During the claims process, VA will check military records to confirm exposure to Agent Orange or qualifying military service. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care, presumptive diseases of Agent Orange exposure, Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019. if they worked on C-123 planes between 1969 and 1986. The compound is extremely persistent: It does not wash away readily with rain, but stays in the environment for years, building up in soil and sediment and accumulating in the food chain. Absorbing it through your skin from physical contact with the herbicide. I have often wondered if AO effects mens reproductive organs what does it do to womens. and all of the soldiers that will train there in the future including my grandson. If your disability rating is 30% or higher, you may also qualify for additional monthly compensation if you are married or have dependents. Thank you for this valuable information. There is an undiagnosed illness associated with Agent Orange that includes symptoms such as:FatigueRashesHeadachesMuscle painJoint painRespiratory issuesSleep disturbancesGastrointestinal issuesCardiovascular issuesSeveral other conditions Can agent orange have accelerated my fathers genetic heart condition if he indeed, had it before Vietnam? We bathed in the rivers, drank the water, washed our clothes and breathed in the dirt for 6 mos. If you do have an Agent Orange-related disability or health condition, you may receive free health care for those conditions through the Veterans Administration. Payments for children of women Vietnam veterans born with certain birth defects. Search the VA Office of the General Counsels list. Even though the U.S. military stopped spraying Agent Orange in the early 1970s, the dioxins in this herbicide continue to have an impact on Vietnamese people over a half-century later. Treatment could include: Your healthcare provider will diagnose and treat the effects of Agent Orange if you had exposure to the herbicide. I served in the USAF from 1956-1986. Returning to the rear for only 3 days of rest. diarrhea. Columbus, OH: 100 E. Campus View Boulevard, Suite #250, Columbus, OH, 43235 Agent Orange effects range in severity. They completely missed problem, and after he fractured a rib, I insisted on a full thoracic series and they discovered bone lesions. Son has undersized testicles and probably not be able to have children either. I served in Vietnam with the USCG in 1970 and 1971. is still remembered for its heroes but in nam there were no heroes just names on a wall. He passed Oct, first check received was Feb less than three months after his death. Frumkin H. Agent orange and cancer: an overview for clinicians. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. In 2018, a systematic review of the long-term health effects of Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War concluded that there wasn't sufficient scientific evidence to confirm a link between tactical herbicide exposure and birth defects in the descendants of Vietnam veterans. Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam were used, tested or stored elsewhere, including some military bases in the United States. Loss of ability to perform unconscious movements, such as blinking, swinging arms while walking, etc. All you have to do is research about the children still being born in Vietnam even today. Skin diseases associated with Agent Orange and other organochlorine exposures. Presently I am at 70% and Agent Orange was not included. Peripheral neuropathy, early onset: An illness of the nervous system that causes numbness, tingling, and motor (or muscle) weakness. Despite the difficulty of establishing conclusive proof that their claims were valid, in 1979 U.S. veterans brought a class-action lawsuit against seven herbicide makers that produced Agent Orange for the U.S. military. Please contact me for any information on Agent Orange and colon cancer. My family lifes not the same anymore are situations is getting more worst effecting more my daughters lifes. Originally, there were 14 diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure, but over time, medical research found several additional conditions that affected people who had exposure to Agent Orange. VAs BS answer is he can not prove he was on the ground at any time to have had contact with Agent Orange. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA and other Federal government Departments and agencies have conducted, and continue to conduct, extensive research evaluating the health effects of Agent Orange exposure on U.S. Veterans. Heavily sprayed areas included forests near the demarcation zone, forests at the junction of the borders of Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam, and mangroves on the southernmost peninsula of Vietnam and along shipping channels southeast of Saigon. My story mostly same things to Emelia, My husband his Navy Vet. An official website of the United States government. VA disability ratings range from zero to 100%, in ten-percent increments. To the best of my knowledge all cases submitted to the VA have been denied. So sorry for all you have gone through. Presumptive diseases for Agent Orange exposure. Presumptive diseases are those with a strong service connection to dioxin. The current list includes: AL Amyloidosis. Chronic B-cell leukemia. Chloracne. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Hodgkins disease. Ischemic heart disease. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, The damn carrier was on watch in theater & his DD 214 clearly states he was honorably discharged from his first & last ultimate duty station USS KITTY HAWK. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Want to be upgraded to 100%. WebBurning pain, redness, and blisters on the skin if exposed to gas. From years 1990 thru 2002, no ones have Ideas, whats lifes Ive been thru. The higher your assigned disability percentage, the greater the monthly compensation. my nearly four years there. They just sent me a letter stating that they needed more information. VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service. I filed a claim, and the VA requested my service Medical records, which they never have received, i also requested the records. I do not acknowledge nor agree with the so called academic Doctors qualifications as expert who has ZERO authority over my body to say I do or do not have a body-skin condition since 1967. I have been in the VA system for several years. The VA also offers survivors' benefits to spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents of veterans who died of a presumptive condition linked to Agent Orange exposure. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. If necessary, VA will set up a separate exam for compensation. Why does this have to be so hard? I am the proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran. Agent Orange was a plant-killing chemical (herbicide). fatigue. He is a board certified physician in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. What are the symptoms of Agent Orange effects? Box 449, Deland, FL 32721, Orlando, FL: 605 E. Robinson Street Suite 635, Orlando, FL 32801 I have been receiving benefits since my husband passed in 2007. Veterans and their survivors may be eligible for benefits for these diseases. About the author: He died Nov 2003 of leukemia. You have received an unjustly low disability rating. Im also a Bluewater Navy Veteran. To learn more about benefits for children of Agent Orange victims with birth defects, call the VA's Birth Defects Benefits line at 888-820-1756 or TDD (hearing impaired) at 800-829-4833. By April of 71, I had full blown thyroid and graves disease. No significant relationship was seen between exposure to pesticides and Alzheimer's disease." My dad served during this time, not only does he have health issues but so do my sister and i, both with reproductive issues. Safety of Antihistamines During Pregnancy, Causes and Risk Factors of Graves Disease, Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), Agent orange and cancer: an overview for clinicians, Estimates of the halflife of 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo, Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation, Agent Orange chemical plant locations in the United States and Canada: environmental and human health impacts, Veterans and Agent Orange: health effects of herbicides used in Vietnam, Public health assessment of dioxin-contaminated fish at former U.S. airbase, Bien Hoa, Vietnam, U.S. pays to clean up Agent Orange on Vietnam War anniversary, Environmental health risk assessment of dioxin exposure through foods in a dioxin hot spotBien Hoa City, Vietnam, Dioxins and their effects on human health, Veterans' diseases associated with Agent Orange, Birth defects in children of Vietnam and Korea veterans, Skin diseases associated with Agent Orange and other organochlorine exposures, Agent Orange and intergenerational effects, A paternal environmental legacy: evidence for epigenetic inheritance through the male germ line, Payments for children of women Vietnam veterans born with certain birth defects, Benefits overview for Agent Orange exposure, Birth defects in children of women Vietnam Veterans. 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