Completed by 10 B.C. I wonder about the remarkable scene, pictured. . a lady who said that she had waited for 69 years to meet a President. (licks)Former President Dwight David Eisenhower also is in uh New York and his statement is this:I share the sense of shock and dismay that all Americans feel at the despicable act that resulted in the death of our nations President. The Temple of Dendur. 20002023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Amelia B. Edwards, A Thousand Miles up the Nile (New York, 1877), 548. The Met Collection API is where all makers, creators, researchers, and dreamers can now connect to the most up-to-date data and images for more than 470,000 artworks in The Met collection. Reassembled temple before completion of the Sackler wing, 1978. [6] When the local people visited the temple and brought traditional gifts of incense, wine, cold water, clothing, food, and milk, they nurtured their ruler, Augustus, and also ensured their community's prosperity. [2] Six years after being dismantled, the blocks were packed in 661 crates and transported to the United States by the freighter SS Concordia Star. In fact, many other museums vied for the opportunity to house this structure (which resulted in what journalists called the Dendur Derby), butultimately the Metropolitan Museum of Art was chosen for the temples location in 1967. He was sworn in at 1:38 Central Standard Time, that was 2:38 and thats uh uh almost an hour and a half ago now(left finger to nose)at this time its correct here uh. She seemed to like them.) In the 1960s, this ancient Egyptian temple fell under threat due to the creation of the Aswan High Dam. In Boston, Massachussetts the late Presidents home (Walter Cronkite adjusts his glasses) Richard Cardinal Cushing, a life long friend of the Kennedy family, made plans to leave immediately for Hyannis Port (licks) uh to be with uh Mr. Joseph P. Kennedy and the Presidents mother uh Mrs. Rose Kennedy. The man was brought immediately to Police Headquarters as were all of those arrested. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It wasnefariouslyestimated that between 200 and 300 thousand persons had turned out to greet President Kennedy. [4] However, he only commissioned a few temples in Nubia. This small temple, built about 15 B.C., honored the goddess Isis and, beside her, Pedesi and Pihor, deified sons of a local Nubian ruler.In the first room of the temple, reliefs again show the "pharaoh" praying and offering to the gods, but the relief here is raised from the background so that the figures can be seen easily in the more indirect light. Plans called for Lake Nasser to submerge the temple permanently. There was considerable disbelief at first that he had actually been shot. I understand that someone, had telephoned to theAttorney Generaland had gotten a copy of the oath. The Temple of Dendur is originally located along the Nile River in Lower Nubia. It was described that way by Dallas Police and Mayor Earl Cabell. Well, I dont think anybody in their right mind. Exactly who they were and why they were deified (worshipped as gods) is not known and remains one of the temple's mysteries. Aeolian sandstone, Dimensions: However, his widow, Jackie, helped facilitate the installation of the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. His energy was prodigious. Isis, Osiris, their son Horus, and the other deities are identified by their crowns and the inscriptions beside their figures. Mrs. Kennedy was given a bouquet of roses. Earlier this year, the ailing preacherpublicly endorseda proposed constitutional amendment, Ive known their family for many years and have watched them grow Chick-fil-A, into one of the best businesses in America. As a matter of fact,President Johnson told me, this story. Im ashamed of that this sort of thing can happen in America. 51 years ago, on April 7, 1961, JFK sought to save Egyptian temples in the Valley of Kings along the Nile River. Up there on the 4th or 5th floor, perhaps out of one of those open windows, is where the assassin of President Kennedy is believed to have fired the fatal shots. Mrs. Kennedy rode out in an ambulance the curtains drawn. She is the woman who gave the oath of office to now President Lyndon Johnson after the shooting of President Kennedy. I know he was in another movie with Barbara Streisand. To the left is a white crown, a symbol of upper Egypt, and a red crown for lower Egypt. You look as though you have been crying is that how it struck you first? [2][3] By the modern era, the mud-brick walls that surrounded the entire temple complex had vanished. But I can see through Erik Severeids MO. acquired a stillness that its never known. The other man on the right looks like Eddie Barker! Stories in Stone: How an Egyptian Temple Tells Its Story. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Scroll left to view more. When Jackie Kennedy helped to bring the Temple of Dendur to the Met from Egypt, she conveniently ended up with a view of the temple from her Fifth Avenue apartment at 1040 Fifth through the museum's. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with its many secrets,houses a wonderful collection of works that date back to ancient times and through to the Renaissance. One of the pharaoh's most important responsibilities was to perform certain rituals for the gods every day in the temples. Very difficult. All rights reserved. Some of those picked up were simply people officers thought might have some information on the shooting, not people who the police thought actually did the shooting. Do you think that this indicates some sort of of a of an illness in America today? [3][4], In 1963, as part of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, UNESCO helped rescue and relocate the temple from flooding caused by the Aswan High Dam. Egypt presented the temple as a gift to the American people, represented by Jacqueline Kennedy, in 1965. [1][4] Over the pylon and above the entrance to the temple proper is the Winged sun disk of the sky god Horus, representing the sky. [10], Here is a Time Magazine article link about the Temple of Dendur called, And so it was that theU.A.R. And the office then was let go and sent home? In 1936 she was elected to the same post. The plan in Dallas was to go from the airport with aratherslow motorcade so that everyone would have a chance to look, applaud, and take pictures of the President and Mrs. Kennedy. 7 Responses to The Temple of Dendur. The President and Mrs. Kennedy both had looked particularly refreshed and rested yesterday during their trip to San Antonio and Houston and again this morning as they started to leave Ft. Worth. Recently other Egyptian relics were stolen while Egypt was ousting their leader Mubarak. Recently other Egyptian relics were stolen while Egypt was ousting their leader Mu, Nearly 4000 years ago, the Hebrew God gave Egypts king opportunity to do the right thing by letting His people go. 18651885. I thought that Dallas Time was Central Standard Time. We are in direct contact with Parkland Hospital. 3:04/10:50 and she seems to be trying to take the object or gave it, which the President hands that black object to a younger man in sunglasses at3:06/10:50. Ultimately, the proposal made by Egyptian engineerswas accepted, and it was decided that the temple would be cut down and transported on land to another site located 65 meters higher and 200 meters away from the water. This is part of the motor entourage which I believe brought two Roman Catholic Church priests to the hospital. The piece was commissioned to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the cathedral in Cologne, Germany and premiered there in 1998. Uh he was on the floor of the Senate uh presiding as a matter of fact uh uh uh and the Senate. stampshis conclusionto that day andthe assassination of President John F. Kennedy! The Temple of Dendur is a first-century BCE Egyptian temple that originally stood along the Nile in southern Egypt, near present-day Aswan, and now located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. At the same time this scene was going on at Parkland Hospital all around town Police, Sheriffs Deputies, and Secret Service men were following every possible lead, every possible clue in an effort to come up with some kind of lead to the assassin. Johnson's administration inherited the task of deciding which institution would receive the temple. This is the motorcade route area. His energy was prodigious. UNESCO assisted in relocating and donating three other temples: Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}232259N 325700E / 23.38306N 32.95000E / 23.38306; 32.95000, International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, "Augustus in Egypt: The Temple of Dendur is Rebuilt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art", "Saudi Aramco World: A Temple at the Met", "The Temple of Dendur: Architecture and Ritual", "The Architectural Production of Nature, Dendur/New York", "Met Museum Removes Sackler Name from Wing Over Opioid Ties", Digitized material related to the Temple of Dendur,, 4.9m 6.4m 13m (16ft 21ft 43ft), This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 12:39. Vogue may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Here is a PDF of an interview of Sarah T. Hughes from the, LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON LIBRARY ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION, (Hughes talking about the oath of office given to LBJ. Diplomacy is in its bones: As the story goes, it was built for a local Nubian ruler who helped the Romans win a battle. The insiders guide to what to shop and how to wear it. Drawing byHenry Salt. A high-tech display brings to life the Egyptian temple's original colors that have been lost over the millennia. The more I learn about Jackie Kennedy and her support of the arts, the more I am impressed with her. Though Jackie accentuated her French heritage through her maiden name, Bouvier; pronounced her name the French way (Jac-leen); and spoke the language fluently during public engagements such as a dinner with President Charles de Gaulle at Versailles, she was actually just one-eighth French. Most people dont shake hands with the President and why would she wait for 69 years to do so? In 1965, Egypt presented the temple to the United States in recognition of the United States' contribution of $16 million toward saving various other monuments threatened by the dam's construction. Last year, the museum used it for some first-rate, high-tech edutainmentusing projected animations, they decorated the temples beige faade with the kind of polychromatic designs curators believe once adorned it. Now this is one of the overhead walkways and railroad trestles under which the Presidential car had to go. Police and detectives here are chasing some other people that they wanted for questioning in connection with the shooting. Inside the Sackler Wing, designed by the architectsKevin Roche,John Dinkeloo, and associates,a reflecting pool in front of the templeand a sloping wall behind it, represent the Nile and the cliffs of the original location. He went to Congress in 1937 after having served as National Youth Administrator in Dallas under President Roosevelt. <-This guy looks familiar, I think he is a British actor. [12] British naval officer and later Rear Admiral Armar Lowry Corry carved the prominent inscription, "A L Corry RN 1817", on the left side as one enters the temple. This is the new and modern Parkland Hospital with some of the best facilities in this part of the country to which the President was taken after he was shot. [3] In 1963, the temple was dismantled and moved from its original location. [1][4] The subject repeats in raised relief carvings in the first room of the temple, showing Augustus as he prays and makes offerings. They took time out at the airport to greet an elderly lady who said she had lived 69 years without shaking hands with the President. Jan 25, 2014 - This Egyptian-style necklace brings together two of Jackie's close connections. From Egypt, Nubia, Dendur, West bank of the Nile River, 50 miles South of Aswan, Medium: It's always a visual treat. It was also commissioned by the first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, around 15 BCE. Available online HERE. The Attorney General of Texas was Will Reid Wilson. Her mother, Janet Lee, was 100% Irish, having descended from immigrants who fled County Cork and the potato famine in 1852. We can continue to only gain in the best potential of and for our collective American selves, from understanding what Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy (known as, at that time), gave to this nation. Transportation of the Temple of Rameses II colossal statues. Victory gave birth to a whole new set of problems, he writes. The lovely temple of Dendur I didn't just go to the Met for fashion. The Temple was gifted to the United States by Egypt in 1965. Today the structure, the Temple of Dendur in The Sackler Wing, is one of the iconic and most beloved works of art at The Met. There were some others wounded at the scene of the shooting. The Metropolitan Museum's Temple of Dendur Plays Host to a Dazzling Light Show. From her apartment windows in New York City she had a splendid view of a glass enclosed wing of theMetropolitan Museum of Artwhich displays theTemple of Dendur. The Presidents wife was in the open limousine along with Governor Connally of Texas and his wife when the shots were fired from an assassins rifle in the apparently the 4th or 5th floor of a building overlooking the motorcade route that was taking the President from Dallas airport to down town Dallas for a speech at noon. Inside the Emergency room witnesses said the First Lady splattered with blood entered without a word. [5] Egypt gave the temple to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, which has exhibited it since 1978. Governor Connally was hit in the chest. [12] In the 19th century, European visitors left graffiti on the temple walls. On this day, President John F. Kennedy called on Congress to support international efforts to preserve these ancient relics. As far as the dignitaries were concerned always taking time to introduce his wife. There were stares of disbelief as the body of the Presidentrode away. Where ever there was a radio or a television set people gathered to listen. Here it is being explained to some members of the crowd, they have to get further back. I wrote about that comment in another post which I hope you will read. So, now the next time I think of Abu Simbel or visit the Temple of Dendur at the Met, Im going to think of Jackie Kennedy! So there seems to be a lot of confusion as to when JFK was killed, their seating arrangement, and many other things until time, passed when the news agents were able to get a full picture, InPart 2 of NBC coverage of the assassination of JFK. The Temple of Dendur (Dendoor in nineteenth century sources) is an Ancient Egyptian temple that was built by the Roman governor of Egypt, Petronius, around 15 BC and dedicated to Isis, Osiris, as well as two deified sons of a local Nubian chieftain, Pediese (he whom Isis has given) and Pihor (he. The Temple of Dendur, Showing the Pylon, 1874. went to the Senate in 1949. Our last report from Parkland Hospital was that Governor Connally was in the Operating Room; that he was still alive, but was uh in critical condition. Temple of Rameses II, ca. The latest word on Governor Connally is that he is in serious, but not critical condition. That could be why Mrs. Connally said, You cant say that Dallas doesnt love you, about the moment he was shot coincidentally. Dan Rather has that story in Dallas, Texas:3:34/11:00. One such document, a letter typed on White House stationery, memorializes the moment President Johnson awarded Dendur to the Met. How do you feel after a thing like this has happened? Ad Choices, 5 Key Signs That Indicate Youre Going Through Menopause, SAG Awards 2023: FashionLive From the Red Carpet, Phil Ohs Best Street Style Photos From the Fall 2023 Shows in Milan. Looks like serious business, but a few moments later that same man seems to be very at ease and smiling and their grasp seems to have loosened. He put most Senators in his personal debt by one service or another. The roughly 8 million visitors to the King Tut show could view the Temple of Dendur from a balcony abovea perk that the seven other museums on the Tut circuit couldnt offer. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. The base of the temple has images of papyrus and lily plants, which grow in the marshes along the Nile River. This is part of the Police contingent arriving to surround the building. [2][3] Pedesi means "he whom Isis has given" and, Pihor means "he who belongs to Horus. Down the Main Street Canyon of Dallas. (licks) A vast dragnet has gone out throughout the Dallas area for any possible suspects to uh the criminal act in Dallas, today. These items were already used for thousands of years by the time that the Temple of Dendur was built, and many pharaohs were shown wearing them. [1] It is 42.7 feet (13.0m) long by 21.5 feet (6.6m) wide by 16 feet (4.9m) high. [6] The Egyptians called this gate "the Luminous Mountain Horizon". .Now I didnt know this until later. Easy. Use this practical resource featuring works in The Met collection as a catalyst to help your students gain and develop social and emotional learning skills. Now why does Dan Rather say nefariously? Two vignettes depicting offering scenes on the southern wall of the temple. Dont let there be forgot that for one brief shining moment there was Camelot . If not for the efforts of UNESCOs International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, the Temple of Dendur could have been swallowed up by the lake along with the 2,000 square miles of land it covers. If you punctuate that sentence it could be she meant, You cant say that, Dallas doesnt love you.. A person in front ofOriental woman or maybe Vietnamese?? When the exhibit turned fifty in 2017, conservators worked to remove grease and grime from the blocks that had accumulated from decades of visitors touching the walls. [6], (To be honest, I have not read the it all, but it caught my eye in light of all the evidence of deceptioninvolved with JFKs assassinationie. As mentioned earlier not only the building, but a three or four block area was sealed off. JFKS ASSASSINATION (CBS-TV COVERAGE)(PART 31). The museum director requested Jackies help in garnering the support of her brother-in-law, New York senator Bobby Kennedy, but she vehemently refused. The temple walls are covered with images of the pharaoh (king) of Egypt. The Temple of Dendur in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The Temple of Dendur (Dendoor in nineteenth century sources) is a temple that was built by the Roman governor of Egypt, Petronius, around 15 BC and dedicated to Isis, Osiris, as Odd that they used that description before the testimony had been acquired! Mr. Jenkins said that he might have heard before that. The pharaoh is shown wearing different crowns and a short skirt called a kilt. The Temple of Dendur is a temple that contains a gate to the Spirit World that resides in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Plea. It would be like letting the Parthenon be flooded. The Sackler Wing was unveiled just a month before the Met presented the goldmine exhibition Treasures of Tutankhamun, which Hoving had helped negotiate with Egypt. I couldnt believe of it. In the 1960s, the Egyptian government began building a large dam on the Nile at Aswan. [7] Like the other temples in the region, it was designed by local Egyptian architects and constructed of Nubian sandstone blocks with a pink hue. I HAVE NO IDEA, BUT HE IS COMMUNICATING SOMETHING VEHEMENTLY! That kind of synergy continues today. The glass on the ceiling and north wall of the Sackler is stippled in order to diffuse the light and mimic the lighting in Nubia., From her apartment windows in New York City she had a splendid view of a glass enclosed wing of theMetropolitan Museum of Artwhich displays theTemple of Dendur. He was being chased as a possible suspect however when he did pull a gun and he killed a Dallas Policeman at that moment. In 1965, the Egyptian government gifted the Temple of Dendurto the United States government. Bit part actor. He studied law. The rosy half-light of an Egyptian afterglow covers a multitude of sins, and steeps the whole in an atmosphere of romance. but thought you the reader might want to check it out yourself. Augustus (on the right) offers wine to the deities Thoth (center) and Tefnut (left). Just like in that movie Fallen with Denzel Washington. Kris is not the best actor, but I like him just not sure exactly why. Jenna Gribbon, Silver Tongue, 2019, The Example Article Title Longer Than The Line. Egyptian temples often included designs inspired by nature. The Campaign worked with experts from around the world to relocate twenty-two temples in the region. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Given to the United States by Egypt in 1965, awarded to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1967, and installed in The Sackler Wing in 1978 (68.154). Please note that while lively discussion and strong opinions are encouraged, the Museum reserves the right to delete comments that it deems inappropriate for any reason. [3], Many parts of the deserted structure disappeared or were damaged when the local people took stone and bricks for repurposing. What buildings or monuments do you see? From one of those open windows perhaps came the shot that killed President Kennedy. [2][6] During his reign, Augustus had Egyptian-style temples built and dedicated to Egyptian gods and goddesses. [1][2] The back wall of the sanctuary has a hidden chamber that is 9.5 feet long by 6 feet long x 2.25 feet wide. Here is a video of Dan Rather who says he was one of the first to see the Zapruder film, 04:00/10:50 Jackie sticking out her tongue. Here is the next guy: Could be his brother, Cardinal George Ratzinger. One employee of the building was later picked up as a suspect and is still in custody. 19th Century graffiti including J. Livingston, January 7, 1818. [2] The gateway from the Nile was a monumental pylon that survives. I guess he doesnt remember who who who he asked previously. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Has there been a change in the Time Clock locations. Earlier this month, I explored with my students how new meanings and associations with the Temple of Rameses II have been created in recent decades, largely due to the removal of this temple from its original site. The Temple of Dendur. Isabel Stnkel, Associate Curator, Department of Egyptian Art, Dieter Arnold, Curator Emeritus, Department of Egyptian Art; and Adela Oppenheim, Curator, Department of Egyptian Art, Diana Craig Patch, Lila Acheson Wallace Curator in Charge, Department of Egyptian Art, Anna Serotta, Assistant Conservator, Department of Objects Conservation. [12] As early as 10 BCE, a visitor carved an oath on the north wall of the pronaos near the image of Pihor. most Jewish city in the world perhaps outside of Tel Aviv, JFKS ASSASSINATION (CBS-TV COVERAGE)(PART 32), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, She is the only woman in U.S. history to have sworn in a United States President, a task usually executed by the, In 1935, she accepted an appointment as a state judge from Governor, United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Was she a guest at the Trade Mart luncheon????? This is the convertible which the President was riding when he was shot. Or this conservation business . Although Jackie eventually called back to apologize, that conservation business was likely what tipped the scales in the Mets favor. Last checked: Dec 2nd, 2022 | By: Geoffrey Dunbar. And somebody, I dont know, who it was, met me and I then said I dont need the oath of office; I know what to say., But in just a moment somebody handed me a copy of the oath. Uh they left uh they left Dallas just a short while ago. As you can see the welcome was enthusiastic and warm. Or his constituents. The latter show Pihor and Pedesi as young gods worshiping Isis and Osiris, respectively. Congressman Wright there in a moment of grief. It seems fairly possible that that was just some 3 and half hours ago. The temple was removed from its original site (modern name: Dendur, ancient name: Tuzis, about 80kilometers south of the town ofAswan) in 1963 in order to save it from being submerged by the construction of theAswan High Dam. The State Department with inimitable timing cabled Cairo of the Committees decision just as the Arab-Israeli war broke out. [2][4] Next is the antechamber or offering hall. . For example, she ensured thatnumerous artists were invited to her husbands inaugural speech as president, as a way to showcase the Administrations intentions to support the arts. The sun disk with the wings of Horus, the sky god, located above the entrance to the temple. The king is identified by his regalia and by his names, which appear close to his head in elongated oval shapes called cartouches; many of the cartouches simply read "pharaoh." (Flaherty had come to know the first lady as a neighbor in her apartment building.) Lining the temple base are carvings of papyrus and lotus plants that seem to grow from water, symbolized by figures of the Nile god Hapy. The Temple of Dendur, as it's called, is completely open to the public, which means visitors can walk through its doors and hallways, experiencing the temple as it was originally used. Probably not since the person sitting next to him shot him. that post is linked following: I have digressed quite a bit from the CBS News Coverage which continues further in this post, but I wanted to include what I found for your investigation if interested. And is still in custody now President Lyndon Johnson after the shooting to his. Efforts to preserve these ancient relics originally located along the Nile River in Lower Nubia and Osiris, respectively location. ] by the modern era, the temple of Dendur I didn & # ;! Coverage ) ( part 31 ) from one of the Sackler wing, 1978 or another here are some... Tells Its story temple was gifted to the Senate the latest word on Governor Connally that! Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers modern era, the temple of Dendur Host!, they have to get further back the task of deciding which institution would the. 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