Stephan Gandhi Jones is 6-foot-5, lean, broad at the shoulder, olive-eyed, black-haired, handsome as a billboard model. As a San Francisco high school student, he was dispatched to help build Jonestown. 'She gives us the order that were supposed to kill ourselves,' Vilchez recalled. "There's just nothing like it," he says. He is married to his wifeKristi Jones since 1991. Ryan had planned to remain behind at the mission with several members who wished to return to the United States but couldn't get seating on the planes. Everyone was waiting for him to take himself out. "He always gave us a hug and a kiss, but it became more mechanical as time went by." Stephan escaped death with the Jonestown basketball team, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple. His handshake was weak. Is this surge in public interest in Jonestown an exhausting experience for you? Like everyone else, he died there, his son said. I guess maybe somebody who hadnt been in the temple their entire lives and was just stepping into it couldve seen it coming. , MoKal . "This is really crazy," he recalls thinking. . Stephan is the only living son of Jim Jones and his late wife. That's what triggered it.'. After Ollie became pregnant, she was sent to Jonestown; Eugene remained behind. The reason I ended up in Jonestown is that I left. Eugene Smith recalls how his mother, a churchgoing African-American, bought into Jim Jones' dream after they attended a service in Fresno. 'I focused my rage on Dad and his circle, rather than deal with me,' he said. But mention "Jim Jones" and "Jonestown" and many people would make the connection. He loves basketball; he is agile and strong and was tall even before he reached high school. That way no one else would want to live. "I just felt like this was all they had," he says. In addition to writing the articles below, Stephan appeared as a speaker during the Griot Institute of African Studies lecture series entitled Jonestown: 35 Years Later at Bucknell University; his presentation appears on this page (scroll down the videos). As the larger plane landed, the temple truck, with several persons in the back, started to advance. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Jim Jr. would lose 15 immediate relatives in Jonestown, including his pregnant wife, Yvette Muldrow. And when her 23-year-old sister joined, Jordan went to live with her at age 12. stephan gandhi jonesNitro Acoustic. 'He hit Monica and Vern. "I think I'd probably be pretty messed up if I hadn't lost everybody I had and hadn't gone through the prison experience," Stephan Jones says. In code, his father told him everyone was going to die in revolutionary suicide., I argued with my Dad, he said. He is able to weep, but worries about letting himself begin; he says it feels a little like pulling his finger from a crack in the dam. Jim Jones. Going by the first body count, the media reported 383 dead. Best Answer. Dozens of members in Guyana slipped out of Jonestown or happened to be away that day. Thats what triggered it.. 2007. Hes never remarried, and Martin Luther Smith was his only child. It was Harris who had been contacted by the first two groups of temple members expressing a desire to leave. Jones had suffered a setback. Trump would hammer Biden OR Harris if he was up for election against either of them in 2024, new poll shows, At least 53 civilians who were truffle hunting in Syria are killed in terror attack blamed on ISIS, 'Find me rich, hot and kind': Hunter Biden BEGGED his cousin Caroline to hook him up with Brooklyn Beckham's wife Nicola Peltz - 25 years his junior - to help him 'break free' from his brother's widow and one-time lover Hallie, texts reveal, Onwards and upwards? target_type: 'mix' There are moments when he glimpses the edges of power and understands precisely how it might be used. What Are Essential Oils and Do They Work. I want out of this.' I thought there were reasons for people to want to get us. You describe yourself in your writings as a rebellious kid. They have altogether three daughters. When a friend invited her family to Peoples Temple's wine country church, they were impressed by the integrated community. 1998-11-08 04:00:00 PDT JONESTOWN, GUYANA-- "My father was a fraud."- Stephan Gandhi Jones, son of Jim Jones A lone palm tree stands where Jim Jones exhorted his followers to die for him, but the . It began with a note smuggled to us from two members. They have altogether three daughters. Guyanese civilians set up a guard station for us, standing watch all night armed with only a shotgun, a machete and a long-bladed knife. JONESTOWN 40 YEARS LATER: Mass suicide shocked world, Amanda Knox to host new true crime podcast: 'I tend not to be a fan of the genre'. ", Jim Jones had warned them over and over that invading soldiers would torture their children; maybe that is what they feared most, Stephan Jones says. A few minutes later a pale-looking Leo Ryan slogged through the mud with his briefcase, his powder blue shirt and pants stained with his assailant's blood. Afterwards, the 19-year-old Stephan was put in jail for three months in the South American nation before the case against him was thrown out. He converted to Catholicism and registered Republican. Stephan Jones is a Jonestown survivor. For many years, Jones struggled with the guilt of survival, his father's grim legacy, and his own subsequent substance abuse. She returned to Jonestown for the first time in 40 years in March, Jordan Vilchez poses for a portrait in Richmond, California last week. He climbed aboard the truck and we took off. 'The temple really became my family,' she said. My mother, trying to appease him, made him promise that he wouldnt leave me down there. My mother got me an apartment, I got a job and my father came and tried to talk me into coming back. He pushes through the crowd, but he cannot get to his father. . If anything, we felt pity for him, he said, and it grew into a dislike, maybe hate.. This June 2016 photo provided by Jim Jones Jr. shows, from left, Ross Jones, 21, Erin Fowler-Jones, Robert Jones, 27, and Ryan Jones, 25, and Jim Jones Jr., in Pacifica, Calif. I mean, I saw things and was privy to things . The temple was the only life he knew but says he always had his doubts. And to have any fray in that fabric would cause an unraveling that he couldnt handle.. But he was also very loving, especially during the early period'. In California, he was steeped in temple life. The temple really became my family, she said. This figure, though shocking, gave room for hope maybe the remaining hundreds of people of the colony had fled into the jungle and were saved. Family (3) Trivia (4) Only natural son of Rev. [November 2008], View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro, Kristi Jones Some scowling faces appeared in the windows that rainy afternoon, watching the defectors leave, some with trunks and others with little more than the clothes on their backs. Well, he was using these words, I dont know if hed actually do that, hes a good and gentle man in so many ways, but he wanted to take dad out, and I was the one to convince him that dad would do that himself and we were going to have chaos on our hands. Though he waved and smiled at Peoples Temple services, seemingly enraptured like the rest, Stephan Gandhi Jones says he always had his doubts. Ryan Seacrest, 48, is all smiles with stunning girlfriend Aubrey Paige, 25, as they enjoy Miami shopping trip, a day after it was announced he's being replaced on Live with Kelly and Ryan by Ripa's husband, Who needs Tinder when you've got Duolingo? . The reason that I have agreed to talk to as many people as I have is because of that. mode: 'thumbnails-a', A few of us jumped from the truck and ran over there. They were playing in a tournament in Georgetown, Guyana about 150 miles from Jonestown and were still in Guyana's capital when the murder-suicide occurred. He rode bulldozers, dodged falling trees, killed snakes, lit brush fires and rode the slow boats upriver with loads of cut wood for flooring and walls. He does not know. Stephan Jones was born on June 1, 1959 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA as Stephan Gandhi Jones. More than 300 Jonestown victims were children. In an hour, that promise was broken.. Read More I did. He was taking pain pills, and he said he was dying. It would become a little town where people of all ages and colors raised food and children. He was in Georgetown, Guyana on November 18, 1978 with the Jonestown Basketball Team. Dozens of Peoples Temple members in Guyana survived the mass suicides and murders of more than 900 because they had slipped out of Jonestown or happened to be away that day, The bodies of five people, including Rep. Leo J. Ryan, D-Calif., are shown above on the airstrip at Port Kaittuma, Guyana, after an ambush by members of the Peoples Temple cult on November 18, 1978, John Cobb looks at names of family members on the Jonestown Memorial in Oakland, California. "He was always preaching the hostility toward us and warning people what would happen or what could happen from the outside," Stephan Jones says. Joining him was an older black man who fingered something in his right pocket. Because people were disenchanted with him by that time? The temple was the only life he knew but says he always had his doubts. I wouldnt say that I dont have problems saying no, and I do quite a bit, so Im feeling it now because I traveled to New York and had a long interview yesterday [with CNN]. Stephan believed he was too cowardly to follow through with the oft-threatened revolutionary suicide.. I would say that there are times when its very enriching to speak with people about it All too often people want to write everyone off as a bunch of crazies. 'I said there must be another way.'. Theater of popular music. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, poses for a portrait near San Rafael, Calif. Each day's news bulletins compounded the already unimaginable: There were 400 bodies; there were 900 bodies; there were, in the precise wording of the American military men sent to investigate, "smaller bodies under larger bodies and children under those." "My experience in Jonestown was this: when I first got there I was happy and I was really enjoying myself. Then, after a 1977 New West magazine expose of temple disciplinary beatings and other abuses, she was sent to Jonestown. That he was just this crazy zealot this entire time. Stephan Gandhi Jones was the biological son of Jim and Marceline Jones. Some of the defectors told me later that the men in the trailer were members of Peoples Temple. Stephan Jones' mother was one of those found dead from cyanide poisoning. An In-Depth Look at Naomi Girmas Salary in Professional Soccer. These people have given their lives, for whatever reason . }); window._taboola = window._taboola || []; Is Kristie Mewis Dating the Aussie Star Sam Kerr? In Indianapolis, he served as a student pastor in the Methodist Church in 1952 but. We got word that a temple member had grabbed the congressman, held a knife to his throat and told him he was going to slit it. stephan gandhi jones Tatko na pesmaricu. mode: 'thumbnails-rr', To cope, he says he abused drugs and exercised obsessively. The guy you see in all the images. He has been married to Kristi Jones since 1991. And I think he genuinely cared about those things, but my understanding of my father just from my own experience and stories is that unconsciously he was always primarily managing other peoples perception of him. 1959. He was ill from when he was very young and was using fear to control me when I was barely more than a toddler. mode: 'thumbnails-a', When I left at 21, I left a part of myself there, she said. . 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. "Who they spoke to. Of course, even if he wanted to forget Jonestown, his name was an ever-present reminder. Most people were away at the time. tap here to see other videos from our team. A large poncho covered his belt area so no one knew for sure and no one challenged him. It was he who dreamed up Jonestown, he who willed it into being, and he who brought it down: first, with the assassination of U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan and four others by temple members on a nearby airstrip on Nov. 18, 1978, then with the mass murders and suicides of hundreds, a horror that remains nearly unimaginable 40 years later. Everyone participated in it and because of that, it went as far as it did, she said. When the prodigals visited, the Cobbs kept it secret from Jones. Im not saying he didnt cause it, create it. He has been married to Kristi Jones since 1991. "He used to say that I would acquire his gift in my late years. "I think he would be admitting in his own warped mind that he was not this great revolutionary he had tried to build himself up to be . | She was the adoptive daughter of Rev. And the temple was his life - first in Indiana, later in California. They have three children. Contact & Personal Details. One day, when she was in high school, she came home and told her parents that her religion class had discussed Peoples Temple; only then did her father share the story of how his family was nearly wiped out. The murders and suicides were unfolding, 150 miles away. Oh yeah, I think you can see that from my writing. someone shouted, and the driver attempted to turn the truck around. Its not entirely surprising that many Americans and others want to understand how thousands of people can become blind followers of a tempestuous leader, and how it can end. They have a total of three daughters. "I knew I didn't want to, but I didn't know quite how to confront him or present my case . He is now a 65-year-old grandfather who has worked for a Miami hydraulics company for nearly 30 years, Jordan Vilchez, pictured sitting at a memorial for mass murder and suicide victims at the Jonestown settlement in Guyana, moved to Jonestown to 1977. I focused my rage on Dad and his circle, rather than deal with me, he said. Ollie worked in the nursery, and Eugene felled trees. I think that we all know that in his final days he was certainly a villain, but there are people who just reach out to me because theyve come upon something Ive written and theyre able, through me, to see the humanity of it all. The reunion with Jones was not as joyous. 1931. . His LinkedIn profile indicates that he still has the position of vice president of operations at MB Contract Furniture. You used the word forgiveness, but I find love and compassion for him. Im not trying to defend him. Then two Guyanese medical evacuation planes flew us to the capital city of Georgetown, where a U.S. Air Force C-141 took us to Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., stopping off on their way at the Roosevelt Roads Naval Base in Puerto Rico. Then it was boxing matches for adults. Stephan helped erect a basketball court and form a team. "I would have had to, especially if I saw other people doing it, and I right off the bat wasn't on top of things, and somehow wasn't right there starting some kind of--it's so hard--", Stephan Jones covers his face for a moment, fingers kneading his forehead. More than 900 people lived in the agricultural mission, with its dining pavilion, tidy cottages, school, medical facilities and rows of crops. In minutes, the back of the truck was piled high with crates, suitcases, backpacks and people. Its not that I had better sight than others; I had a better view of it and it really broke for me when he was unfaithful to my mother and told her about it in detail.. "I was building me a place, too," he says. Every loud sound put us on edge, with some wondering aloud: 'Will they come back to finish us off?'. His unplanned departure left them alone. But he also tapped into something very real and showed something very real and was very loving, especially during the early period.. Plunged into a new world, those raised in the temple or who joined as teens lost the only life they knew: church, jobs, housing - and most of all, family and friends. All had been captivated by his promises of a model socialist society based on equality and love under his leadership. It appeared in the Examiner on Nov. 20, 1978, two days after the tragedy: San Francisco Examiner reporter Tim Reiterman (left)was wounded in the airstrip shooting. "I think I knew it was just a bunch of junk and that it was really about nothing," Stephan Jones said. Jim was the Rev. "Because then it would have been like, 'I'm running out on these people. Despite his unconventional upbringing and the horrific tragedy brought about by his father's religious group, the Peoples Temple, Stephan speaks candidly about his experience in the documentary. This past year, she returned to long-overgrown Jonestown. The reality was we were folks who could be counted on to stand up, he said. Devotion to its ideals bolstered her self-worth. After that I didnt sleep well last night., I wouldnt say therapeutic. It was all about survival in his domain. 2023, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. We were turned back by Johnny Jones, Jim Jones' stern-faced adopted black son. Neither were the White Nights where everyone stayed up, armed with machetes to fight enemies who never arrived. . NBC reporter Don Harris said coolly: 'I think we're in for some trouble.'. 2023 Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a, Reflections and Articles by Stephan Jones, Son of Anarchist: My Father, Jim Jones, and What the World Can Still Learn From Him,. And all of the children died first. More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Resume Born June 1, 1959 Add to list Photos Known for The People's Advocate: The Life & Times of Charles R. Garry 7.0 Self - Interviewee 2007 P3 Dokumentr And Smith's wife, son and mother died. Jones berated three other new arrivals for misbehaviour on the trip; they were beaten and forced to work 24 hours straight. ", Throughout the 40 years since the deaths at Jonestown, Stephan has been willing to give media interviews. "I still get very angry," Stephan Jones says. Life became more tolerable after the couples baby, Martin Luther Smith, was born. "I was still naive enough--well, not necessarily naive enough; I still believe the CIA is capable of all kinds of things--but I felt that we could geniunely be a threat to the image of the United States and that people might be trying to do things to undermine or eliminate what was happening down there," he says. He says his daughters have seen him gnash his teeth when he talks about his father, but they also have heard him speak lovingly of the man who taught him compassion and other virtues. Cobb lost 11 relatives that day, including his mother, youngest brother and four sisters. A black man with a 'corn rows' hairstyle came up to the rear of the truck. Jim Jones charismatic, volatile and ultimately evil. the whole thing he drove into people's minds for so long--I certainly don't mean to say that what happened was a sane act or that it was a good act, but--", Jones hesitates. "They just needed this messiah, this purpose. "The minute I stepped out on the street, I felt so uncomfortable," he says. 'I believe that it was always a personal agenda for my father, and yes, there was a gradual shift in the balance. The only surviving child of Jim Jones, Stephan was born on June 1, 1959, in Indiana, USA. He said reporters would make the situation worse. Those who broke rules were disciplined. Partner of Terry Carter Jones, aka Mary Theresa Carter, Mary Theresa Jones, Terry Carter Jones (died November 18 . After years of struggles that included drug addiction, Jones says he's now living a pleasant life in the United States with his wife and three daughters. Jordan Vilchez's parents were Berkeley progressives in the 1960s - her father African-American, her mother Scotch-Irish. They divorced when Jordan was 6. At first it was spanking of children. ", Jim Jones moved to Guyana in 1977, just as New West magazine was preparing to publish a lengthy account of defectors' allegations about Peoples Temple. After the slaughter, Stephan Jones was arrested on suspicion of abetting the mass murder and spent three months in a Guyanese prison. Then there were just a few. This answer is: Study guides. 2010-10-03 19:23:36. There, as part of Jones' personal security detail, Cobb saw the once captivating minister strung out on drugs. Vilchez worked as office manager at a private crime lab for 20 years and now, at 61, sells her artwork. I crawled until I came to taller bushes and brambles, clawing my way into a pocket in the brush. What we were calling the cause really was Jim, she said. When Smith reunited with his mother and wife in Jonestown, Ollie was 8 1/2 months pregnant. 29. target_type: 'mix' 'When I left at 21, I left a part of myself there,' she said. Dozens of members in Guyana slipped out of Jonestown or happened to be away that day. 'If anything, we felt pity for him,' he said, 'and it grew into a dislike, maybe hate.'. He converted to Catholicism and registered Republican. He too was a member of the basketball team. The silence could mean only one thing: An ambush was awaiting them. Jim Jones had said as a tropical storm rained on the Peoples Temple pavilion. . For 19 of his 24 years, they were all he knew. Rebelling, they refused Jones order to come back. One day, when she was in high school, she came home and told her parents that her religion class had discussed Peoples Temple; only then did her father share the story of how his family was nearly wiped out. Yesterday morning 100 Guyanee troops came by train from Matthews Ridge, walking the last several miles as a precaution against sabotage or attack. "I just say something like, 'You remember Jonestown?' Seating assignments were chosen after Ryan briefed the press on the knife attack and credited Mark Lane with saving his life. And I dont know that he could actually have done that. Stephan is the only living son of Jim Jones and his late wife Marceline Jones. But even Stephan Jones never imagined that death would come the way it did, so redolent of madness and evil, so savage that a kind of panic still crawls into his voice when he talks about it. 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