Director: Tom Barrow Year: 2016 Runtime: 59 minutes Rain In My Heart Probably the most hard hitting of the documentaries on this list. There are certainly points in this film in which I believe that the subjects were exploited. | Facebook If i recall they were trying to review lots of old footage and stuff of cctv in the area. The viewer was left shocked and bewildered that this could have happened - hadn't we just been listening to her a minute earlier? After the death of these two participants the documentary structure gets complicated, because the story event does not follow the traditional theory of having a beginning, middle and an end. (1995) Television Form and Public Address. Rain In My Heart the relationship had turned rancid. New York & London: New York University Press. It took some time (and more drinking) for the reality to set in, but I can say that their stories were the impetus for my recovery. Fiske reveals, the television text has to be read and enjoyed by a diversity of social groups (Fiske, 1987:66). This is on the one hand a factual subject of, Visual representation of death is another clear fact of this argument. Toni is no longer the bearer of responsibility but a perfect product, whose face, fragmented by close-ups, is the content of the documentary and the direct beneficiary of the spectators interest. London, Brundson, Ch. Kilborn, R. & John I. Talk about taking your life in your hands. Until, hopefully, a day arrives when they decide they want to get well A day when there is only recovery available to them, or death.. As I film on my knees, the slime of warm spewed vomit permeates my jeans, inexorably moving upwards. Manchester & New, Biressi, A. Enjoy your Guinness but take care. i so agree, it was one of most heartbreaking cases Ive ever read about. veena meerakrishna husband. Gauntlett, D. & Annette H. (1999) TV Living: Television, Culture and Everyday, Hall, S. (1980) Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems. Stand still, O Beautiful End, for a moment, and say your last words in silence. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. What can be understood from this is that it underscores the emphasis on the private, personal and domestic (Biressi & Nunn, 2005:65). In this account it means that participants of Rain in my Heartare encouraged to tell their stories truthfully to anyone, without any thought that their words and their images are shown on television and the viewers can express different opinions on the following days, months or years. Really tragic situations and a lot of regrets and heartbreak. He expresses his disappointment but doesnt confiscate any alcohol. She was very endearing! Movies. For instance when Toni goes into the details of her life-story, the camera produces the beauty of her past in photography, taking it to the point where the spectator is focused on the image. Ellis called it material garnered from everyday life (Ellis, 2002:114). 1. How wonderful to watch a real, old fashioned documentary, rather than a whizz-bang 'reality programme'. (LogOut/ This week's topic was melody and the infectious Goodall used various pieces - classical, pop and folk - to demonstrate the mechanics of writing a tune. Of the four, two die whilst in hospital and a third dies within five years (that isn't mentioned in the programme, I'll let you guess). Like all four characters of the documentary, Nigels body is not just on display; it is literally out of control, bearing the visible signs of a lifetime of alcohol abuse. After the death of these two participants the documentary structure gets complicated, because the story event does not follow the traditional theory of having a beginning, middle and an end. JILL / Fly Me To The Star JILL / Faraway, So Close JILL / Babylon Baby JILL / Remember Me JILL / Only Day Star Watsons camera panning from left to right focuses on their death-beds by the use of many close-up and medium shots, and his voiceover challenges viewers complicity as they see them slip away. Being an alcoholic is experiencing hell on earth. I don't know for sure, but it wasn't after 2010, but I believe she did last until then. London: Rain in my Heart(Paul Watson, 2006, BBC2, UK), Ju shkuat dhe erdht n Brigjet e Dafins. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vanda died in 2010 also and apparnstly marks clean now. Frank Sinatra - Star! lakeview centennial high school student death. He shows his stitches that sealed the slices that cover nearly the span of his forearm. Tonis blood loss, Marks yellow eyes and the tears in his face and Vandas leg problems are the slightly repeated images on camera. ONE of the architects of the Australian songbook, George Young has died at age 70. From this point of view the documentary is driven not simply by the fate of these people, but by Watsons derivate of representation. There was Vanda, a middle-aged woman who drank like there was no tomorrow (a not unlikely prospect) in order to forget the demons in her past, particularly a violent and sexually abusive father.. It's a few years since I had seen it, but I decided to watch it again yesterday. She then was saying how she was going to go out for a drink (a small drink top up with lemonade)with her freinds she died that day. In particular Biressi and Nunns postulate, help us to understand that to have subjected your life to the camera, becomes the near-guarantee of the production of a new form of knowledge for the viewer (Biressi & Nunn, 2005:36). On one particular stretch of highway just outside Baghdad, 43 Shia travellers had been taken out of their vehicles the previous week and beheaded by the side of the road. Silverstone argues that the creation of the individual as a social subject, involves the emergence of a space (Silverstone, 1994:9). Toni, I don't remember how long or how much she drank, but I remember her reason for drinking being "boredom" and how she was quickly gone. In an age of formatted reality with, as Barraclough put it, "guaranteed dynamics and resolutions", these are not the denouements you could promise or manipulate. I chose recovery. You can tell from the programme, she was never going to make it. As it is You Tube, people outside of the UK should be able to view it - it is 1:38.00 long. That left Vanda and Mark, both of whom went on the dry for a couple of months only to relapse horrifically. Filmed in 2006 the film. He writes, During the year I am witness to two deaths. They sat in their respective flats downing half-pint glasses of cheap wine as if it were lemonade until you could see them almost disintegrating before you. Silverstone talked of television as a great leveller of everyday life (Silverstone, 1994:87). as being in breach of those terms. Television. Rain In My Heart is a documentary that is observing four alcohol abusers - Vanda, aged 43; Mark, 29; Nigel, 49 and Toni, 26 - from the impoverished Medway towns of north Kent. Discover your full benefits as a Premium subscriber. Are you thinking of 'The Dying Rooms' maybe? tl;dw. (2006) That is a very emotional documentary that began in the hospital with 4 characters and ended . (1996) Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media; Audiences for a Postmodern, Bignell, J. . Both complaint and answer assume that television has a certain power over peoples behaviour (Gauntlett & Hill, 1999:49). Paul Watson has been making documentary films for over 40 years. 15.19 + 16.64 Postage. The lack of close attention to these problems might make the problem worse. Rain In My Heart is a documentary that is observing four alcohol abusers - Vanda, aged 43; Mark, 29; Nigel, 49 and Toni, 26 - from the impoverished Medway towns of north Kent. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Well worth a watch. And a timely reminder of what tragic lives some people are leading. I am personally disgusted by the film-making aspect of this documentary and an untrained, inexperienced person asking vulnerable people insensitive questions . Just now she was quite upset by a little thing which I did not much heed, though I am myself very fond of animals. Filmmaker Paul Watson's four subjects had all ended up being treated at Midway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, Kent, while Dr Gray Smith-Laing wearily surveyed the damage they had done to themselves. Directed by. I'm too old to drink 2 nights on the trot and it isn't the capacityits the recovery time! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is made obvious that past traumas and depression still haunt them. To find the mass graves he was seeking, he had to traverse the country from north to south and this journey became the most disturbing element of the exercise. Some of you may felt that Sunday's documentary was a bit light, a little bit like eating candy floss, no substance. Just not worth it. Privacy Policy. Then she died, aged 26. Please disable your adblocker to use tattle. Synopsis. Call us 24/7: +1(978) 822-0999. substancial - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online . Weedons argument meanings do not exist prior to their articulation in language and language is not an abstract system can be seen as a dominant point to the fact that narrative in Rain in my Heartpersistently provides surprises, but these surprises reveal themselves as another aspect of a whole, as both connecting the consequences of Vandas story, and as thematically linked to the major outlines of meaning that emerge gradually (Weedon, 1997:40). a 26 year old woman, dies during the filming, and Mark and Vanda both look as if they will not survive much beyond . Read our editorial policy. Here's one depicting true alcoholism in the UK, realism at its best. So it is in Rain in my Heart. Silverstone talked of television as a great leveller of everyday life (Silverstone, 1994:87). But the camera stayed unflinchingly on both of them. Furthermore Vandas complaints that she is being manipulated by being asked questions only when she is drunk, bring the documentary to question. By Stephen Laws in forum Can You Name This Film, By billy bentley in forum Ask a Film Question, By Jackdaw in forum Looking for a Video/DVD (TV), "I love all films that start with rain": award-winning poet. The police would find him, get him admitted to hospital or taken home, and then hed be reported missing a few days later. Nigel and Toni died while the documentary was being made. But the truth of their emotion and condition is no guarantee of the thing it most powerfully underpins, namely the addiction, which semiotically preys upon the condition of this category of people. Tonis blood loss, Marks yellow eyes and the tears in his face and Vandas leg problems are the slightly repeated images on camera. Compelling viewing wasn't it. She wasn't the only fatality. All rights reserved. He reveals the current explosion of reality TV depicts, rather than explains (Kompare, 2004:104). It is a terrible way to die. A Mediahuis Website The fourth subject, Mark, combats not only his alcoholism but also his suicidal tendencies. From the documentary the message is clear. Vanda Easdown has promised the doctors at Medway that she is done with drinking, but just days after her release Watson arrives at Vandas apartment to find her drinking a bottle of vodka. He is shown on the telephone with a hospital administrator who refuses to help. Whatever you say, Peter, but the series is still crap. 6 years ago, From the documentary itself the viewers learn that one patient of Gillinghams hospital was abused as a child, another has a child dead from MRSA and another patients brother died in a car accident. Where I think more empirical evidence is needed, is in the development of this boundary beyond its real bounds, to include individual differences of participants in the documentary and social behaviour as a public matter. Documentary, TV Movie. Corner, J. Much better was How Music Works with Howard Goodall (Channel 4), a no-nonsense and commendably clear explanation of the basics of music. I can remember watching it and being about 14 or 15. 0. Toni : Rain in my Heart Hey everyone, I hope today finds you sober and well. Oh and I agree with Joolie, that no, it wasn't clear whether Vanda was making up all that stuff or not. She asked the dr if she could go home before the weekend soshe could be with her son. Its one that will always stay with me x. I watched the documentary with Mr Trebus again, on YouTube! Poor Vanda died Rain In My Heart - Documentary. "Terms of Use", For McLuhan the yen of the TV medium for themes of process and complex reactions has enabled the documentary type of film to come to the fore (McLuhan, 2002:349). appropriate medical assistance immediately. 3.4 Television; New reality and its representation. Ang, I. Zendaya appears to reject Paul Mescals offer of his arm at SAG Awards 2023, Gary Gannon in hysterics after primary school student calls him ginger, Stigma receding? Pretty heavy stuff. She was clearly an unwell person in body and mind. Four alcoholics in and out of hospital over a two month period, reality at its most real. So, television, as a technically mediated communication interacts as an important medium in delivering messages from producers to the viewers. But, shure, it's a part of what we are, not just at Christmas but throughout the year, as a walk down Dame Street or Temple Bar any weekend from midnight onwards will testify. The two long scenes of Vanda, where she talks about her lover, her family and the death of her brother are good examples of this point. AnywayI couldn't watch it too long because it was too "slow" for me.I think our show "Intervention" is very good and works for me to see people recover in the end.and some don't make it and die as well. What can be understood from this is that it underscores the emphasis on the private, personal and domestic (Biressi & Nunn, 2005:65). Very high impact documentary. Finally, drinking problems in Rain in my Heartprefigure social as well as semiotic attributes of television as an important element in the shifting the boundary between the public and private of these four participants. (1987)Television Culture. Originally Aired November 21, 2006; So these facts can be interpreted clearly in the way Silverman argues; the signifying strategies adopted by the unconscious differ markedly from those which predominate in waking life (Silverman, 1983:64). Your Time is Valuable. It is the most disconcerting moment, both emotionally and intellectually, when Nigel and Toni die. 2.1 Material collected from everyday life. (1999) Television as Working-Through in Jostein Gripsrud ed. I don't know about Mark, he was reported as doing okay and with someone. (2004) Reality TV: Remarking Television Culture. was already half-broken from the alcohol abuse and the mediocre life I. live, and watching this documentary broke the rest of it. .which kind of gives away my age, That would be impossible to impose though surely. Trevor Beckett 791 subscribers Share 522K views 9 years ago Brilliant, unflinching documentary on alcoholism by Kent film maker Paul Watson. Does anyone have RAIN IN MY HEART (BBC2, 21/11/2006) together, ideally, with the follow-up discussion about the documentary . Scary how much that Mark guy was like me, hopefully he has stayed clean. If this does not work contact us using the email address below or the contact us button at the bottom of the page. Shared ownership is an absolute farce. Is there no way in which, say, the Doctor that treats them, or the NHS Trust involved, can apply for a restriction to be placed upon the sale of Alchohol to them? When Watson asked Vanda whether she was telling the truth about her account of being abused as a child by her father, the message gives a clear understanding that television has shifted the boundary between private and public, and made it easier for Vanda to be engaged in the public sphere. New York & London: New York University Press. I watched all of it. They can bleed very easily and once they start to hemorrhage it is very difficult to stop. [1:38:16] Close. It is what you said - I was addressing Mo's post instead of yours. Furthermore television has a power to offer importance on the imaginary perception of decoded messages. 3.1 Televisions power over characters behaviour. It is a very good documentary, although it should be complemented with other versions that do tell a better story of his life. Nigel is filmed unconscious as his wife, Kath, stays by his side kissing his head. In particular I have mentioned Fiske as an advocate of Halls theory, and Brundson as one who has carried on a viewpoint similar in many ways to that of Silverstone. It was really sad, the way underage girls were groomed into thinking the men were their boyfriends and then being told they had to sleep with strangers for money. Toni 26, a binge drinker died during the documentary. My job is to explain, not entertain. Part documentary part film on Joyce Carol Vincent who died and was in her flat for years before anyone found her still haunts me. 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