When in darkness or dim light, creatures attuned to Lux have dimly glowing irises. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws you make against exhaustion effects due to extreme heat. Abhorrent Hybrid Fruit (5e Equipment) Wondrous Item, Rare. His blade, known simply as Ice was lost in the events of the cataclysm. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature missing a hand or an arm) The arcane propulsion arm from Eberron: Rising from the Last War is an effective weapon for player characters who are missing a hand or arm. While in this state you gain the following benefits: The armor can't be used this way again until the next dawn. I hope to finally create a bundle of my items and release them in a deck of cards one day. Once per long rest, as an action, you can channel Flux's latent energy into a single devastating arrow. Any items you were carrying when you died are left with your original body and must be reacquired by the character. They each deal 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d6 bonus damage of a random type, determined after each hit by rolling a d10 as follows: fire (1), cold (2), lightning (3), acid (4), poison (5), thunder (6), force (7), necrotic (8), or psychic (9). A full list of D&D 5e items. The creature attuned to this weapon must consume twice as much food as normal to sustain themselves. Combined with their spellcasting ability, they're comfortable both up close and from a distance. If you attack a creature that is 15 ft away from you the attack deals 1d8 slashing rather than the standard 1d4 slashing. For 1 hour creatures that would observe (sight, sound, smell) the wearer must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma Saving Throw or be charmed. Once per long rest, when an attack from an enemy would reduce an ally to 0 HP, a creature attuned to this item may make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to the initiative count of the attacking creature. Magical Item (Longsword), Very Rare (requires attunement). A broken piece of a blue dragon's horn is set at the weapon's center, releasing tendrils of shimmering electricity from its point. This weapon is considered a +1 Greatsword and deals an additional 11 (2d10) slashing damage on a critical strike. This book has been enchanted by a master illusionist. When you do this, attacks with this weapon deal cold damage instead of piercing or slashing and do not deal the additional 1d4 cold damage it deals in dagger form. If the mimic is ever reduced to below half its total hit point maximum it will begin to syphon health from the creature that is wearing it. By using an action to read this scroll, your words ring out to magically rip the wind out from beneath the wings of creatures around you. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, becoming frozen on a failure or ending the effect on a success. When a creature that is not undead or a construct is struck with a Bleeding Bouquet dart, it roots itself into the creature, requiring an action to be removed. Additionally, within the sphere, loose objects are pulled towards the center and nonmagical fires are snuffed out. You can take an action to give three spins to the clockwork key, making the nutcracker become Medium in size and use the Animated Armor stat block for 1 minute, before going back to its original state and size. Equinox is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Equinox. While wearing it, you gain the following benefits: Weapon (glaive), legendary (requires attunement). As the king rushed through the corridors to inform the head of his guard, he passed by a member of his court, the trusted Baronet Alistair Rook. Mephits are friendly to you and your companions. 100% (3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 214 views 50 pages. Wielding this small shield only grants a +1 bonus to AC. This weapon counts as a +1 flail. When all the gems are removed or destroyed, the helm loses its magic. Additionally while attuned to this weapon you know the Druidcraft cantrip with Wisdom being your casting ability. Composed of the iron extracted from the blood of a thousand innocent slaves, this weapon was made to strike terror at a mere sight. Your skin develops a black and spiny bark-like appearance and you gain the benefit of the barkskin spell (doesnt require concentration). While attuned to this armor you can use an action to root yourself to the ground. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License, Legends of Runeterra - Dark Tides of Bilgewater. So, while she watched Oscar struggling uselessly to build up magic energy from inside the field of absolute silence they had been trapped in, Holly realized this was the perfect opportunity to make amends. The gemstone refills the poison contained within it at midnight. While attuned to Ice the air within 30 feet of you feels frigid and liquids within 10 feet of you decrease in temperature by 1 degree every minute until they freeze. This wand has 4 charges. The hilt of Venom is a clear vial of magically reinforced glass with a greenish liquid contained within. Creatures that succeed the saving throw take half damage and are not restrained. Once per long rest, the attuned Paladin can, as an action, consume all of the charges currently contained in the weapon to deal a single attack to a creature, dealing 1d12 damage per charge consumed. If the character ever commits an affront to nature and does not seek immediate repentance, the attunement is broken and the tree dies, releasing a single seed into the wind. Centuries of training, lessons, and gifts passed down from one to the next have graced them with an uncanny ability to harness the strength of their soul to empower their martial prowess. The dice have advantage (or automatically succeed depending on DM) on any gambling check made by someone attuned to them. Fate's Bond. Mage Forge Magic Items for 5th Edition includes the artifact wand Taphos. Once per turn, as part of the attack action, this dagger can be thrown at an object, structure, or creature within range; when the blade lands a creature attuned to it can chose to teleport to the dagger location, appearing with their hand on the hilt, or can teleport the dagger back to themselves, causing it to appear in their hand. close menu Language. In its place was a letter, unmarked, sealed with the black symbol of a single feather. As an action, a creature attuned to the Tonfas can shoot a thick webbing out at an enemy within 30 feet of them. The Lantern of the Rat Lord can also be used to ritual cast the spell; Find Familiar. For more items and homebrew D&D content be sure to visit our Instagram! This well-worn gray bearskin hide has been passed down from druid to druid for generations. On a success a creature takes half damage and its walking speed is not halved. The area is lightly obscured by fog and hail and non magical open flames are extinguished. The swords appear at your side and remain there until you dismiss them as a bonus action or until you fall unconscious or remove the circlet. The interior of this coat functions as a Bag of Holding. Bound within this Bag of Holding is a greedy entity, that will make itself known the first time a character attempts to remove an item from the bag. This weapon has a +2 modifier to it's attack and damage rolls and deals an additional 1d4 cold damage on a hit. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Once the arrow impacts something, it implodes and leaves nothing behind. This property of the weapon can't be used again until the next dusk. Thanks for checking out our 5e homebrew! Once per short rest, a creature attuned to Forests Fury can use their action to activate the chakram's innate magical power. Divine Sense: A paladin can use their Divine Sense feature to locate the following additional creature types - Aberrations, Elementals, and Fey. To increase the Save DC or To-Hit a number of ounces must be used equal to the desired increase times 2, for example; a +1 modifier will take 2 ounces, a +2 modifier will take 4 ounces, a +3 modifier will take 6 ounces, etc. This attack has a reach of 30 ft. and deals 2d8 + Strength Modifier fire damage. A +2 longbow, Flux does not shoot actual arrows, instead it shoots arrows of pure energy that deal 1d8 + 1d4 elemental damage based on its affinity. When an ally within five feet of a creature attuned to, When an ally is reduced to 0 HP, the creature attuned to. As an action the creature attuned to Rupture can expend a charge and make a single melee attack. Warlords Bounty is a set of finely crafted arm bracers, set with multiple adamantine studs. Personality. Creatures within 20 ft. of that location must succeed on Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), taking 8d6 fire damage on a failure, and half as much damage on a success. Save Save Homebrew Wondrous Items For Later. When an attack is made against the creature attuned to these bracers, it can use its reaction to add its proficiency modifier to its AC. Perhaps due to this series nearing an end with only wondrous items left to explore a number of thoughts arose while looking at these 20 items collectively across the three lists. Whenever the bag strikes something (Wall, floor, chair, dog) the bag disintegrates and releases the contained Minor Illusion, which are completely random, the illusion being anything from the sound of a gentle breeze, to the image of a roaring lion (albeit, fitting in a 5 ft square), to the shrieking of a banshee singing Wrecking Ball. If you would like to support the GM Binder developers, consider joining our Patreon community. Immortal Ruler: You stop aging and can no longer die of old age while attuned to Valor. As the two had matured she came to truly realize how much that meant to her. Muckwuggle the Frog God includes the Fabulous Frog Wand. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with each of these bullets. Creatures of your choice take 1d6 cold damage when they start their turn in the cortex (this is not doubled by the previous feature). The area covered by this cone becomes difficult terrain as it is destroyed and upturned. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. If using the sash would cause the spell to target a second creature, you choose the new target. While in its cane form, it functions as a quarterstaff. You can't attune to a robe of the apprentice that doesn't correspond to your alignment. It is removable only by you, meaning that you'll always have a . The Blade of the Broken King can hold 5 charges, dealing 5d4 damage. The robe's color corresponds to the alignment of the archmage who created the item. To whom it may concern, fondest greetings! The sling bullets come in a pouch, which contains 1d4 + 4 bullets. Finally, once per day, while wielding this weapon you can use a bonus action to cause smoke to billow out from the head of the club for 1 minute creating a cloud of heavily obscuring smoke, a creature attuned to the Smoke Stick can see through the smoke as if it were light obscuration rather than heavy. The weapon doesn't require physical ammunition, and it has a normal range of 150 feet and a long range of 600 feet. While attuned to this weapon, attacks made with it deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage. Immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, Advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, You gain the ability to speak to snakes and can cast the. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a Ranger: Beast Master or Drakewarden). This small glass vial contains 1 ounce of orc blood imbued with the might of Gruumsh. This small sphere, about 2 inches in diameter, appears to be a simple sphere of occluded ice. You can use each card from the shuffled deck as a magic dart. If you have the extra attack feature, make as many attacks as each action will allow. A creature attuned to these bracers can cast Haste once per long rest targeting only themselves and requiring no components. When you deal damage to a non-undead and non-construct creature with an attack made with this weapon it gains one charge for every 10 points of damage dealt. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Weapon (war pick), very rare (requires attunement). While protected by the mantle, a corpse has a damage threshold of 20. Padded armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, this armor doesn't. Attempt a Charisma check against the dragon contested by it's own Charisma check, if you succeed the dragon's soul is absorbed by this weapon and it gains an additional 1d6 damage to its activated state, you add the dragons breath weapon damage type as an additional option for the activated state, and you gain resistance to the dragon's breath weapon damage type. While it is in your possession, you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) rolls to walk across tight ropes. If you're interested in getting your hands on a deck, be sure to sign up for our Mailing List right HERE. Battle Plate of the War Chief Key of mimicry Mask of the Doctor The Hard Hat The Idol of Zeroth The Lich Skull While rooted to the ground you regain 1 hit point per minute and slowly regenerate any lost limbs over the course of a long rest. Ancient arcane binding barely prevents it from shattering on impact. While you are wearing this ring, when you make a ranged attack with a bow or crossbow you magically summon the ammunition as part of the attack. The weapon falls back into the prime material plane if it is in the border ethereal and ever exceeds 30 feet from you. However, it's just as likely that your Dwarf will create an artifact barrel, door, manhole cover, or sock. If a dart is removed before injecting the poison it reverts to it's original state as the blossom closes. As a result, an Arrow of Slaying is a very situational item. If the creature has no limbs to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead. When this ability is used the club gains a form of animalistic sentience and begins lashing out at any creature near, including the holder of the weapon. This item appears to be a sculpture of a single rose in full bloom, seemingly masterfully crafter and colored from an unidentifiable metal that leaves the sculpture pliant yet indestructible. A Bleeding Bouquet typically consist of a collection of 6 darts. As an action you can transform into the aspect of the sand maiden. It regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature with an Intelligence of 17 or higher). When found, Venom has a 75% chance of containing a DC 14 2d6 poison and a 25% chance of containing a DC 16 3d6 poison. When you throw the bola make a ranged attack roll, if you are proficient with the sling you are proficient with the bola. To do so they must have three vials of the intended poison and must expend each vial in the process. This quarterstaff functions as a +1 quarterstaff. A creature can use an action to disarm the bola with a successful DC 15 Intelligence check. At the end of its turn, the Dragonborn can roll a d6, on a roll of 6 the Dragonborn regains its breath weapon. The Orb can cool up to a barrel of liquid to the perfect drinking temperature in just under an hour. You can expend three charges to cast the Summon Undead spell, creating a Putrid undead composed entirely of blood that drains from the dagger. Once you've used this bathrobe to get the best rest you've ever had, you literally cannot sleep without it. A creature with legendary actions is unaffected by the scroll. This allows the wearer to quickly and seamlessly shift from weapon to weapon in the middle of an attack. Sorcerer's Sand can be used to increase the power of the spell by one spell level per ounce used. This dagger magically reinforced blue cobalt is chill to the touch, perpetually condensating as it draws moisture from the air. This delicate piece of silverware is enchanted to never let a drop of food/liquid fall from its surface into anything except the holders mouth. When worn to sleep, four hours is sufficient for a long rest and you gain 2d10 temporary hit points when you awaken. Once this property of the scimitar has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn. These magical clubs are crafted in such a way as to capitalize on precision strikes or brute force, depending on the wielders whim. An individual that is attuned to the Rose Whip can cast the Druidcraft and Thorn Whip at will, and once per long rest the wielder can use their action to cast Barkskin. Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the presence of a small object made of light. The seed rapidly grows into a mature tree over the course of a week. Studded Leather. Weapon (Dagger), legendary (requires attunement). Reducing a stone creature to 0 hit points with Stone Wail causes them to crumble and expose a gem of the following type. Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement). The monks of Durheim are renown for their connection to their deeper selves. This item also functions as a Stone of Good Luck, a Mantle of Spell Resistance, and an Ioun Stone of Regeneration. If a creature attempts to remove the armor without the consent of the mimic, they must succeed on a DC 18 Strength check to do so. Additionally, when an attack misses you or you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to immediately move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. When the attack is made, a wave of fiery heat shoots forward as the attack. Uploaded by burningbright. You can use the Shape Water cantrip to draw forth the moisture out of this weapon and encase the dagger with it, transforming the dagger into a greatsword, longsword, scimitar, or shortsword. While holding it, you can use a bonus action to transform it into its scythe form. This greatclub has a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls. Incredibly selfish, the bag will not give up a single item, no matter how mundane, without a fight. Common - Armor. The staff has 10 charges. The creature who initially threw the bola can disarm it without making the check. Creatures of the wearers choice must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 66(12d10) fire damage. Lux regains the lost abilities when you finish a long rest during which Lux has been exposed to direct starlight. On a failure, you enter a stabbing frenzy and must use each turn to move to the nearest creature and use your action to make a melee attack with the dagger. Once per long rest, the Ranger can use their action to cast Enlarge targeting both the companion and the master. You can use an action to pull the bright object from the bag and throw it up to 20ft. As an action, you can touch a corpse with the weapon to create a harmless, flaming mantle around it. While attuned to this amulet, the wearer gains a bonus to their AC whenever they Wild Shape into a beast. This padded armor is a billowing assemblage of earth-colored cloth that seems to flow with the wind as if made of sand itself. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Creatures attuned to Flow add their ability score modifier to damage rolls made by Flow when used to make the bonus action Two Weapon Fighting attack. See more ideas about dungeons and dragons homebrew, dnd 5e homebrew, d&d dungeons and dragons. Born of Glory. This fur-lined bathrobe is enchanted to achieve an unprecedented level of comfort. With Wild Shape, druids can become unstoppable as they temporarily turn into animals of steadily increasing power. Rend. This odd weapon appears to be entirely impractical, however in the right hands and right situation it can be a devastating weapon. This drive is more pronounced in individuals that lean towards selfish and self-serving personalities and is more subdued and tempered in individuals with altruistic and benevolent personalities, though the compulsion is still present no matter the creatures temperament. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster). This greatsword is partially incorporeal and numbs bare flesh that touches it. Righteous Leader. Melding Fabric. The bag can communicate with any creature that comes into physical contact with it and can understand any language. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse property, regardless of which form it's in. Arm of Dawn is constructed of a mysterious metal harvested from a fallen star. Flux regains its elemental affinity traits after the next long rest. The poison coating lasts for a number of attacks equal to one half the attuned creatures proficiency modifier. Mind and Body. The homebrew content for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons found at D&D Beyond includes tens of thousands of entries and browsing them is a regular habit of mine. I'm currently working on updating my series of Wondrous Items for Dungeons and Dragons 5E with the help of artist Alex Coadou and magic item master Daniel Moreira to bring some of the concept pieces to life. Venom holds up to three charges and regains any expended charges at the end of a long rest, the process of which replenishes whatever poison was contained within the vial. This increase affects any Oath-specific auras as well as the Aura of Courage. While those brutes knew how to swing a tool of war, I became war itself. This light comforts and emboldens your allies, wiping away weariness and exhaustion. After two weeks the attuned creature will begin hearing the whispers of Zehir guiding their actions and calling them to seek him out to finish the transformation that has begun. While attuned to the deck, you gain a +3 bonus to any check you make using it as a playing card set. This solid white sand is made from the crystallized bones of a powerful Sorcerer and is steeped in magic. Creatures, objects, and structures made of inorganic material take double damage. Ice also counts as a Flametongue that deals cold damage and a Dragon Slayer. Magic Weapon (dagger), Very Rare (requires attunement). When The Wailing Hunger gains four charges it awakens and turns on its wielder, lashing out with violent insatiable hunger. The creature restrained by the bola can use their action to untangle themselves, however when they do so the weights on the bola explode, forcing every creature within 10 ft. to make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, the creature restrained by the bola automatically fails this saving throw. You can expend more charges when you cast the Summon Undead spell to cast it at higher levels, increasing the level it is cast at by one per extra charge spent. While wearing the circlet, you can take a special Attack action on your turn to summon a number of floating, spectral swords equal to the number of gemstones in the circlet and make one melee spell attack with each of them against a target within 10 feet of you. Additionally this weapon deals 1d4 fire damage on a hit. These small bags, about the size of a dime, contain magical components that are enchanted by a particularly mischievous mage. We are privileged to live under nature's watch: to scorn her is to insult the world itself. You can add your spellcasting ability modifier to any Constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration on a spell. When you cast the Pass Without Trace spell while wearing this coat the bonus is increased to +12 while you are in dim light or darkness. If you want to help us continue making more homebrew content and get your hands on hi-resolution printable cards, set collections, and our compendium PDF consider supporting us on Patreon. Bookmarked items only. While this vortex is active spells that deal cold damage cast by you or your allies against creatures inside the vortex deal double their normal damage dice. Don't lie or cheat. Now I'm onto magic items and already explored the homebrew armor . Each variant corresponds to a matching variant of elemental Mephit. This thick yellowish liquid, when smeared on a part of the body will cause hair to sprout over night. Every dawn, if the bottle is empty, it automatically refills itself with a new batch of sauce. Composed of thick, knotted flesh this greatclub is truly a horror to behold, even before taking into account what appears to be faces carved into it's form. The blade of this glaive glows with a faint flickering light. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has advantage on Deception (CHA), Intimidation (CHA), and Persuasion (CHA) rolls made when interacting with dragon type creatures and knows the Draconic language. Energy Nullification. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement). You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls while wielding this weapon. If the creature was levitating or can hover, the creature safely descends at a rate of 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground instead. Wondrous items for DnD 5E. It deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. He missed the man's self-satisfied smile as he turned the corner. If you take 10 or more lightning damage while holding this weapon, roll a d20. 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