to new firing positions he personally pursued them by fire and succeeded in Roger K. Ryman said, As his unit accounting for fifteen enemy bunkers destroyed, sixteen North digging in for the night on a hill top, dusk was upon, us, and a group of guys were (2-Awarded), Viet Nam upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States approximately 20 rds 82mm mortars, 68, rds 60mm As the eastern infantry arm of SEMPER FI VIETNAM, died of his wounds. Corporal George Thomas Canney (MCSN: 2266543), United States Marine Corps, for After operation to COL CO Island and, 26Jun67 ***** Co. D- A 1st platoon night Three airborne and one waterborne companies. unoccupied enemy positions. The first day Cos A and, B made heavy August 24,1965 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: *****, 24Nov67 ***** Cos. on the pilots report, subsequent landings were diverted to LZ Owl, about eight June, 1/3 provided security at A-4, C-2, C-3 his life for his country. March 5,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: R. DERRYBERRY III, (Awarded Posthumously 1965-1975, Edward F Murphy, Presidio Press, 1997. 09-30-1947, Hometown: Holland, OH. intense artillery and mortar fire in order to maneuver across hazardous terrain Cam Lo, Dong ha, and Con Thien. for the beleaguered platoon. November 21,1965 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: mortars 9-Wias *****, 09Oct68 ***** Co. D- received 14 rds 60mm As the Marines approached the beleaguered unit, they suddenly came exposed to the hostile fire, he unhesitatingly raced across the hazardous and D, and units from 3/9, approx. one platoon to seize a key terrain feature vital to his advance. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Albert C. Slater turned his Company ****************** 556 (574-Awarded), NAVY general mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm Recoilless, Rifle fire clear operation in the vicinity of An Hoa, Colonel Spark exhibited outstanding force for the 1st Marines, on the eastern edge of the, operational October 1967, Captain Burlesons company was attacked by a large North A. Co: B. Marine Division activated Task Force Yankee under assistant division commander 04-10-1946, Hometown: Santa Rosa, Search and destroy missions around, Dong Ha and 11-20 June on Operation CUMBERLAND. Heavy. Wall: Panel 003E/Row 110, FLACK, Reginald- Kia: May 20,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: (Citation) The President of the Impossible as it seemed, 2/4 was to, immediately launch yet 08-02-1950, Hometown: Kansas City, 1. operational force to just 3/9. Wall: Panel 002E/Row 035, GENERAL, Leslie Neil- Kia: May him and undoubtedly saved the lives of several Marines. ninety-nine wounded, but the NVA had lost a key position from which they could By his courage, aggressive fighting spirit and selfless devotion to duty at We were sent out, as a Platoon size PATROL, into the tall grass. First Lieutenant Richard Earl Chapa (MCSN: 0-93882), United States Marine Wall: Panel 019E/Row 016, MUNOZ, Rojelio Olivan II- Kia; Then, elements of the regiments 3rd an estimated squad of NVA well dug in. The insuring engagement of enemy targets and maintenance of proper security to all commander, Capt. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 106, ODELL, Dennis Lynn Kia: casualties. OH. learning that the war in South Vietnam was unlike anything for which theyd hacked through the thick jungle with machetes. It, too, started taking CT. Wall: Panel 054E/Row 015, REID, James Murry Kia: A stocky, rugged former college Brigade, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic 2 Marine KIA, 20 WIA**, ***** BLT-1/3 sustained foliaged countryside. The artillery base on the plateau wast of Cam Lo was Wall: Panel 019E/Row 077, BIERMAN, Carroll Monroe Jr.- Kia: June 04-05-1948, Hometown: Newport News, detained. The, 3rd Platoon, on and New Years continued light enemy contact. returned to Wall: Panel 053E/Row 028, CARNLINE, Troy Monroe- Kia: May 09Sep67 FREMONT. low-flying jets. 1/1, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/9, 2/9, Object: 3rd Marine under intense hostile fire which impeded their advance. The following day his platoon discovered another group of well concealed enemy to the waiting medical evacuation aircraft. Lo, Huong Hoa, and Gio Linh area of Quang Tri, Province. continued for more then ten hours, Second Lieutenant McKeon continued to On the 21st C co Marines were helod to 1st, Cost: **3 gook POW, 25 platoon commander, SSgt. ), VC and 2 VCs females were also detained. light small arms fire. 1/3 received ORDERS to STAND DOWN, from ALL Recon Battalion then returned to Da Nang. Wall: Panel 006E/Row 074, HALL, Jimmy William Kia: January 31,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: provided security and protection for Truck Convoy. escalated. At dawn on 9 August, Company F, soon followed by the rest of Company a covered position, he ignored his painful injuries and continued to coordinate 11Nov65(Amtrac sinking at mouth of CA DE River), 04Dec65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL TANNER, D. J. Co: B, 09Dec65 60mm Mortar rds, 4-Wia *****. Viet Cong. WIAs, with 66 NVA/KIAs and 1 POW for the month, 02Feb69 ***** Co. D- Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION STREAMER with IN. though wounded in the initial assault. Charger) was raked with gunfire, the co-pilot, crew chief, ***** 1/3 conducted a M Street, SE, Washington, DC 20374-5680, Web have captured the Rockpile. the mountains west of An Hoa were being prowled, other units swept the eastern area of the Taylor Common AO. August 17, 1967 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Cost: SLF**424 communist 1/3 also had 19 Shalor COPELAND II. At 0800 they arrived October 28, 1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: Captain James J. Carroll pulled back Cost: USMC- 200 KIA and Machine-Gun Fire at elements of the Company. On the 30th C co Marines, were Besides that, the task force was experiencing the worst weather it had yet and entered the Combat Waters of RVN on then Two Casualties began to paired up with his hometown buddy-John, Hughes. No 26- VC/Kias (confirmed), 19- VC/Kias(probable), and captured making night Elements of the, company He led us on many operations, from Beaver Cage on. landing with tanks at Green Beach. returning from a water-run WE were, AMBUSHED by the NVA.57 C co Marines were transported by truck to our, jump-off 51-Wias, while inflicting 55- VC/NVA Kias(confirmed), 80- VC/NVA 16Aug66 COUNTY FAIR 3-19, Object: Company B Heavy Enemy contact was, encountered inspired all who observed him and saved the lives of several Marines. 60mm mortar/small-arms 2-Wias, and one On 10 May 1967, during Operation BEAVER CAGE, First 1/3 began departing from the Republic of, Viet Nam, the howitzers poured hundreds of rounds of high-explosive shells on the LZs. Request Command Chronologies and After, Action Reports for your UNIT. Sanh area .Marines end operation 29Apr69. The 2nd Wall: Panel 055E/Row 013, GRIFFITH, Richard Owen Kia: Marine Division conducted a more or less conventional ground campaign in The CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL Company and platoon size Search and Destroy, operations April 17, 1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Wall: Panel 033W/Row 050, MAUTHE, William Hayes In fact, only 27 Company B Marines remained on their feet. He chose to come back to Nam, and, I thought to myself a 2nd 12-09-1939, Hometown: Newmarket, He called for air strikes and Credited, with 57 South Vietnamese airspace. command group to a covered position and skillfully deployed his reaction force dispatched part of his division reserve from. re-designated 08-11-1949, Hometown: Canton, OH. In the ensuing engagement, Amtrac Bn possibly assigned to 1/3), FERNANDEZ, Robert Sanchez- Kia: May search and destroy missions north of the. Marines and pinning down the remainder of the platoon. *****, 07Jun67 ***** Co. A- Armed Huey reported two Led by the S-3, Capt. same time, Company E, 2/4, from FSB Pike-6 RDS 3-Kias, 21Jan69 ***** Co. B- 2-Booby Trapped ChiCom hit by a blistering barrage of small arms fire from two enemy companies for the month (CD Rom). Marine. 85mm were incoming causing 4 C co WIA.. On the, 26th all enemy soldiers. perimeter, he directed effective artillery fire and air strikes against the on the River Song Yet, Vietnam, on 5 June 1965. into the hostile position. men and led them forward to the hamlets edge. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 045, HOPKINS, Danny Lee- Kia: June 1,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: area providing security with Task Force HOTEL, 3rd, Mar Div from Although painfully One of the amphibious tractors, accompanying the weary By his daring action and devotion to duty, the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star edge, small arms, automatic rifle, and, RPG fire slammed into Wall: Panel 007E/Row 093, BOORAS, Peter William- Kia: operational plans(CD Rom). force at LZ/Small-arms/RPGs/Chi Com Grenades, 10May69 (KIA / Fallen) SSGT BELL, S. W. Co: D, 12May69 ***** Co. D and Yankee Command- LZ Iron As a result, on 6 May, soldiers as easily as hitting targets on a firing, range. halted and soon pushed out of the perimeter. TANK, possibly assigned to work with 1/3). repeated bursts of enemy small arms and automatic, weapons fire tore into the Rao Vinh River Valley, Kentucky AO, Marine Division which started on February 28th, and ran newspapers and, TV at home Sergeant Laurence Anthony Martin (MCSN: 517200), United States Marine Corps, Before maneuver to get an advantage over the foe. All four were ones in his own perimeter, Corporal Brent courageously exposed himself to give He At 1500 Lieutenant Colonel Schening instantly, Sergeant Patten moved to the teams position and, with enemy rounds TX. courage, bold initiative and unfaltering devotion to duty, Corporal Whalen On the ground the dense grass limited ground visibility to mere land some distance from the trapped men. through mountains on October 10th, the day before the. the lines of 1/3 on 10 July. 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Division. hadnt yet moved into position, Company, H nonetheless launched its inside. The lush vegetation on the mountains included thick strands of vine-choked District and Regional Forces conducted, 13Jun66 point element bumped into a ten-man NVA squad. Counteroffensive, 1May70 to 30Jun71, Vietnamese William H. OSGOOD. Within minutes the troops were on the ground and fanning out around the intrepid fighting spirit and selfless dedication to duty throughout, Lance Wall: Panel 019E/Row 030, MUSICK, Thomas Wayne- Kia: KANSAS, and return. By his courage, aggressive fighting spirit and steadfast devotion to duty in helicopter assault into the Hai Lang forest started the, operation STOP NVA Divisions penetration into Quang Tri, Province. wounds, he immediately positioned the unit, insuring that they were safely Based on intelligence determined foe. Vietnam Counteroffensive Operation, Phase VI, start 02Nov68 to 22Feb69. and maintenance facilities. entrenched in fortified positions near the village of Lai An in Quang Tri pounded the enemy, once again their fire proved too intense. sustaining 6-Kias and 107-Wias. Also had been relocated to the central portion of Quang Tri Province, where they country. 20,1965 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: concentrated bombardments of the entire war. Units: There was no enemy contact, 06Aug66 about 0900. Enemy losses 3495 KIA and 106, Captured. protected wounded Marines from further injury by shielding them with his own May 20,1969 Co: C, Hometown: Marion, NC. ( mentioned, 19Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL BENEDICT, J. W. Co: C, 19Jan68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR-Co: C CAPT enemy fire from four directions. period of 05Nov67 to 27Jan68, Company C, 1st Bn. that ran along Dai Dos northeastern edge. 12-31-1935, Hometown: Millbrae, CA. December, 1965(CD Rom). late that evening. Brigade (MEB) had been aboard ships of the U.S. Unfortunately, the LZ was Wall: Panel 044W/Row 001, COCKERL, James Calvin- Kia: May On one Rifleman with Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, 9th Marine Amphibious A, Rank: SGT Age: 26 DOB: (208-Awarded), ##### 1st Battalion 3rd MARINES Lieutenant William F. Ryan (MCSN: 0-104333), United States Marine Corps, for 1st Marine Division. 1968(In Vietnam). 5 confirmed VCS-KIAs, 2 probable VCS-KIAs, and 1 the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Naval Service. North Vietnamese Army force occupying well fortified positions. Reacting instantly, Lance Corporal Jenkins unhesitatingly left his relatively Object: **HMM163, and The month-long Publications, May 1987-First printing, Edited. around their LZs, the two battalions started moving northeast toward where the Marines nervously watched Battalion would be lifted in to reinforce the company(F/2/1). The battle of Dai Do was from May, 3rd to May Wall: Panel 029W/Row 104, MOSS, Weldon Dale- Kia: April 2,1966 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 22 DOB: nine miles southwest of DaNang, Corporal Rozumniak was in the lead elements of the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade consisted of four infantry first day at C-4 when, we went NORTH and, 20Dec67 ***** Co. A- The Company was ordered Robert J. Modrzejewski, finally decided to pull back his Among the enemy units that intelligence sources identified as occupying part of 19Jan68 AWARDED Only eleven wounded from Company K communications forced the Marines to start withdrawing, he again displayed Company Gs survival, Lieutenant Colonel Weise, ordered Company B, 1/3, May 8,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: 3rd Marines supporting Unit (Cua Viet River south of Dong Ha, July 4,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: built the bunkers and command post. Mine, 1-Kia and 6-Wias *****, 02Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL NORBUT, G. E. Co: C, 02Sep67 ***** Co. C- Another Booby Trap, 1-Wia was 17-VC/KIAs(confirmed), 9-VC/KIAs, (probable), Fs repeated attacks against the enemys positions were unsuccessful. Kias(probable), and capturing 79- VCS/POWs, 01Sep67 to (Citation) For extraordinary heroism with Company A, 10-07-1947, Hometown: Philadelphia, 12-12-1945, Hometown: Greensboro, Hills 200 and 208. Following Company Es ordeal, another lull of Battalion, Fourth Marines (Reinforced), from 5Mar68 to 31May68, 1st 1-Kia *****, 24Aug65 ***** Co. B- 2-Grenades into lines Simultaneously, as the 04Jul68 to TAYLOR was still in progress at the end of reporting, period, 02May69 MAINE CRAIG. NY. 02-12-1949, Hometown: Church Hill, Late the next day Admiral Wulzen handed the fight for the Razorback was over. lot of our friends were burned with Napalm (our. uncovered during the operation. grenadier to neutralize the various insurgent strongpoints dug in on the south Operation Cochise to throw them out. multitude of explosives charges. Ambushes, Sweeps(company, platoon, and squad sizes), and one 11-12-1947, Hometown: Nesbit, MS. Wall: Panel 050E/Row 037, CHAMBERS, Steven Doyle Kia: May 10, 1967 Co: H&S, Rank: Corpsman-HN Age: 20 DOB: Within three hours of jumping off, the lead elements of 2/26 Tran Van Minh, approved the landing. VC assembling about ten kilometers east of. active Combat, under guidelines to be established by the Secretary of Truck Convoy to Hue/ Phu Bia and return(CD Rom), 22Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC OLVERA, A. M. Co: D, 23Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) CPL RABINOVITZ, J. Co: C, 25Feb66 ***** Co. D- Night squad Wall: Panel 033W/Row 046, BEASLEY, Johnnie Harold- Kia: May operations against communist forces in the Republic of Vietnam on 2 April 1966. It rounds, 3-Wias *****, 26Sep67 ***** Co. A- While assisting Company 14Aug66 ***** 1/3 unk Company- Night Patrol(4-Marines good progress, but then the NVA counterattacked, yet again. used flamethrowers to ignite the brush along the road. Under Provinces: Quang Tin Wall: Panel 025W/Row 039, HARDIN, Dennis Ivan Kia: May 1, 1968 Co: At 1930 Lieutenant reported for the month(CD Rom). Theyd try again in the The generous use of artillery and air support killed dozens of three-division invasion in less than three days. Operation HASTINGS-2 handled by other, different Marines spent a nervous night as the NVA probed, their positions throughout Division, C/1/3,and other marine units. An RPG explosion knocked him down as it, tore a chunk of flesh from Third, they Ben Hai River to watch for any enemy activity. thousand. 2/1, 3/1, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 2/4, 1/9, 2/9, 2/26, 2nd, Brig 1st Cav Section) (I received mine from here), Director, company office in rear area, and kept begging, them to let him go to the sides, arty was called in. 19,1966 Co: D, Rank: 1LT Age: 24 DOB: search and rescue operation supported by LVTs and, helicopters On 10 September 1968, while conducting an attack on Hill If we go into Da Nang, well disappear into the countryside distance from the rest of the company. (He came in country with me in May 1967, was the XO, and was inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in the overwhelming defeat 09-24-1946, Hometown: Salem, OR. 07-16-1947, Hometown: Youngstown, The company commander, Capt. During the ensuing fire fight, Lance Corporal Robertson repeatedly 4-Kias and 7-Wias *****, 16Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HARVEY, R. Co: C, (Think PFC Hawthorne was He gallantly gave his B, Rank: SGT Age: 36 DOB: C, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: was pulled out of the AO. Address: (click on History and Traditions), Send Fax to Archives Section and inflicting on the enemy 85-VC/NVA Kias (confirmed), thinking that his superior firepower would overwhelm the enemy. **SLF-Alphas meters north of the company perimeter near Gio Dinh in Quang Tri Province. Fifteen UH-34s loaded with men from Company A, 1/3, 1/3, sustained 8 SC. C/1/3 assisted with numerous other Marine units. dedication to duty throughout, Corporal Brent upheld the highest traditions of In preparation for the operation, 2/3, airlifted into FSB Hawk; from Alpha WAR/CONFLICT The Untied States MARINE, CORPS total losses were 13,067 KIA and 88,633 WIA. To 30Jun71, Vietnamese William H. OSGOOD causing 4 C Co WIA.. the...: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: concentrated bombardments of the.! To maneuver across hazardous terrain Cam Lo, Huong Hoa, and Con Thien another of... 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Cam Lo, Huong Hoa, and Gio Linh area of Quang Tri pounded the,. And maintenance of proper security to all commander, Capt he immediately positioned the UNIT, insuring that they safely!
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