[26] She and her husband were parents to five children: Her son, Reginald Pole, said that he would "never fear to call himself the son of a martyr". It is no exaggeration to state that its publication ensured More a stature that no other Englishman of his time enjoyed. His personal life remained placid and content. In some versions, the plucky old girl refused to kneel at the block, and the headsman had to pin her down. The relationship between the King and Margaret wavered a bit in 1518 when Henry repossessed some of her Salisbury lands saying they belonged to the duchy of Somerset. Margaret Pole was the daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, brother to Edward IV, and a leading figure in the Wars of the Roses. The French ambassador said she was above eighty years old when Henry VIII had her beheaded, while the Imperial ambassador said she was nearly ninety. Joan (Margaret) Pole ca 1333-Married toThomas Chaworth ca 1331-1373 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts. It was children who caused him a problem. To my principles!". [6] . [1] He was the son of Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of Suffolk and Katherine Wingfield . She was a decade and a half younger than he was, and he never seems to have felt anything more than a brotherly affection for her. When he later built his Great House in Chelsea, its rooms were specifically designed to encourage quiet study and prayer. Link will appear as Hanson, Marilee. But if the weather turns nasty you up with an anchor and let it down where there's less wind, and the fishing's better. Two written eyewitness reports survived her execution: one by Marillac, the French ambassador, and the other by Chapuys, ambassador to the Holy Roman Emperor. The sons of Edward IV, 11 and 13 years old, had been held in the Tower by their uncle Richard III, and last been seen by Londoners in the summer of 1483. And so, when More returned from a diplomatic mission to France in summer 1527, the king laid the open Bible before his favorite councilor. Chapuys wrote that, "at first, when the sentence of death was made known to her, she found the thing very strange, not knowing of what crime she was accused, nor how she had been sentenced". Looking to her last end, Margaret commissioned a chantry at Christchurch Priory. Margaret's destiny, as an heiress to the Plantagenets, is not for a life in the shadows. Arthur Pole suffered a setback when his patron Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, was convicted of treason in 1521, but he was soon restored to favour. For these reasons, More had no cause to suspect his monarch of anything less than fealty to their shared faith. Name: Thomas More. She had a small estate of land, inherited from her husband, but no other income and no prospects. Under the reign of Henry VIII on May 27th 1541, at the age of 67, Margaret Pole Countess of Salisbury was executed for treason. Their destruction came with a wave of arrests in the autumn of 1538. Henry VIII helped provide good marriages or religious offices for Margarets sons, and a good marriage for her daughter as well. Reginald was present at the treaty negotiations. Susan Higginbotham. Henry still hoped for Mores support. In 1512, Parliament, with Henrys assent, restored to her some of the lands that had been held by Henry VII for her brother while he was imprisoned, and then had been confiscated when he was executed. Margaret may have been deprived of her dynastic importance, but her marriage was honourable and stable, and she retained her status, if not her familys great titles and wealth. She served later as a governess to Mary. But for the rest of his reign Henry VII would be plagued by pretenders, persistently rising from the dead. She, her grandson, Henry (son of her own son Henry), and Exeter's son were held together and supported by the king. Her mother, Isabel, daughter of the above-mentioned "King-maker," died 22nd December, 1476, and her father in the Tower nearly two years later. More was a well-born academic and a sincere and committed Roman Catholic. She held a noble title in her own right, and controlled great wealth, after she was restored to favor during the reign of Henry VIII but she became embroiled in the religious controversy over his split with Rome and was executed on Henrys orders. By Caroline Hallemann Published: Nov 24, 2020 It was More's execution - far more than those of Anne Boleyn or Thomas Cromwell or Margaret Pole - which established the king's reputation for capricious cruelty. Here is where it gets complicated. Perhaps more than any other courtier of Henrys reign, More embodied the searching, troubled spirit of the early 16th century. Her father, Duke of Clarence and brother to Edward IV, switched sides several times during that long family battle over the crown of England. As a newly elected representative for London in Parliament and an undersheriff in the city, he was deeply involved in public life. . Although a jury of twelve men would have . The alleged plot between the earl and Warbeck was flimsy and perhaps government-sponsored, but both men were tried and executed. That was clear to Cromwell almost from the first, and perhaps to More, too. Later that year, Reginald was summoned to Rome, made a cardinal and put in charge of organising a crusade against England economic sanctions first, war if need be. The pope would not relent. ThoughtCo. Mores letters indicate that he was not particularly keen to enter royal service. Richard Pole held a variety of offices in Henry VII's government, the highest being Chamberlain for Arthur, Prince of Wales, Henry's elder son. In 1541, Margaret was executed, protesting that she had not taken part in any conspiracy and proclaiming her innocence. We do know that he tried in vain to support the kings position. Henry, the eldest son, though knighted and given the family title Lord Montagu, did not share the general admiration for the king. The new memorial that has been erected in front of the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula on Tower Green marks the spot 'identified' in the Victorian period as being the . Mores brilliance of mind and curious, kindly character gained him many friends and admirers. From the start, Margaret's life had been marred by tragedy and violence: her father, George . He was knighted in 1521, became speaker of the House of Commons in 1523, and earned the title of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Margaret Pole was one of only two women in the 16th century to hold a peerage in her own right. Fortunately for the old cardinal, he died before the king could kill him. The relationship between Mary and Lady Salisbury was very close. A third account in Burke's Peerage, possibly apocryphal, described the appalling circumstances of the execution. The barrel, though, may have been strung on Margaret after her death. The trial of Sir Thomas More for treason opened in Westminster Hall on July 1, 1535. But with him away from court there were outside influences on their relationship that neither brother could see coming. Margaret Pole was born about four years after her parents had married, and was the first child born after the couple lost their first child on board a ship fleeing to France during the Wars of the Roses. He read anything and everything he could find on the subject. But he himself did not sign the letter in which most of Englands nobles and prelates petitioned the pope to declare the marriage unlawful. It was, Henry told him, proof that his marriage to Katharine was incestuous due to her previous marriage to his brother. To help with her financial situation, she gave one of her sons, Reginald, to the church. And so he was. The governors of Lincoln admired him enough to appoint him lecturer on law for three consecutive years. Because the main executioner[17] had been sent north to deal with rebels, the execution was performed by "a wretched and blundering youth who literally hacked her head and shoulders to pieces in the most pitiful manner". (Edward would have had a better right to the throne as son of Richards older brother.) She was no longer, though, the sort of influence Henry wished for his daughter. Nevertheless, she was taken from her cell to the place within the precincts of the Tower of London where a low wooden block had been prepared instead of the customary scaffold.[5]. But he knew what was coming. Margaret Poles house had been searched in the efforts to find evidence to back of the attainders of those executed. "Margaret Pole, Tudor Matriarch and Martyr." Thomas More, Thomas Morus ou Toms Moro [1] (Londres, 7 de fevereiro de 1478 Londres, 6 de julho de 1535) foi filsofo, homem de estado, diplomata, escritor, advogado e homem de leis, ocupou vrios cargos pblicos, e em especial, de 1529 a 1532, o cargo de "Lord Chancellor" (Chanceler do Reino - o primeiro leigo em vrios sculos) de Henrique VIII da Inglaterra. There was a new king, a handsome, athletic young man who had once been destined for the church. Unfortunately for More, Henry appointed him Lord Chancellor of England. This is what Margaret is now, besides paper and ink, and the ruins of her palaces: pieces of breastbone and pelvis, a single finger bone and four vertebrae. She was sentenced to death, to be executed at the king's will. [12] In May 1536, Reginald finally and definitively broke with the king. The supposed discovery, six months after her house and effects were searched at her arrest, is likely to have been a fabrication. [13], In 1537, Reginald (still not ordained) was made a Cardinal. With the accession of the young king uxorious, beautiful and benign England seemed to have entered a golden age: and at his coronation, all the spectators, and presumably Margaret Pole with them, with great reverence, love and desire, said and cried: Yea, yea!. More had already begun writing his History of King Richard III as well; it is considered the first masterpiece of English history and is wholly pro-Tudor. Because of this, she becomes an unprovoked target for the King's anger. Mr Buxton has returned to live quietly in Cranford following . With Margarets female peers, there is a gap between what they say and what they do, what they are and what they appear to be. Her father, already Duke of Clarence, was then created Earl of Salisbury and of Warwick. Most governments with a sense of self-preservation would have regarded the family with justified wariness, and likely acted against them sooner. Here's how the cast of The Spanish Princess compares to their real-life counterparts, from Catherine to Margaret Pole. The only people to escape the toxicity of the court were Lina (Stephanie Levi-John) and Oviedo (Aaron Cobham), who decided to seek a new life in the Ottoman Empire. Her many fortified houses and castles, the number of tenants she could turn out, the belligerent propaganda from abroad all these brought the whole family into deep suspicion. Mores wife had been like most women of her time ill-educated, and during their brief marriage, he taught her Latin and other subjects. In January 1539 Geoffrey was pardoned, but Margaret's son, Henry, Baron Montagu (and cousin Exeter), were later executed for treason after trial. Please include name, address and a telephone number. The second season of The Spanish Princess premieres on Starz on Sunday, October 11. Later in life, he bitterly resented her abandonment of him. Please include name, address, and a telephone number. Nor make one step, as you shall see; . But if the great Sir Thomas More believed the king to be wrong? Her son Reginald described himself afterwards as son of a martyr and in 1886, Pope Leo XIII had Margaret Pole beatified as a martyr. She served later as a governess to Mary. After the first round of questioning she was held in custody at Cowdray, Fitzwilliams house. Margaret would have been too young to remember her mother, and it is likely that she was brought up within her fathers princely household, then after his execution lived with her cousins, the many daughters of Edward IV. The Duke of Clarence plotted against Edward IV and in February 1478 was attainted and executed for treason. Margarets whole family had been elevated with her on the wheel of fortune. And the king did not force the issue. It was More who coined the term, a pun on the Greek words for no place and good place. (Scientists aren't absolutely sure that people register no pain when the head is removed or that they lose consciousness instantaneously.) To ease the situation, Margaret devoted her third son, Reginald Pole, to the Church; he was to have an eventful career as a papal Legate and later as Archbishop of Canterbury. Known for:Her family connections to wealth and power, which at some times of her life meant she wielded wealth and power, and at other times meant she was subject to great risks during great controversies. When she reached her teens, a marriage was arranged with Richard Pole, a modest landowner with solid Tudor connections, who had been rewarded for loyalty by being made constable of several Welsh castles. In some cases, they conspired against the crown while claiming, if it went badly, that their weak female brains had been addled by male influence, and that fragility and brittleness allowed their trust to be easily abused. For highlights from the latest issue, our archive and the blog, as well as news, events and exclusive promotions. Gaily agreeing that the chief female virtues are meekness and self-effacement, they managed estates, signed off accounts, bought wardships and brokered marriage settlements, all the while keeping up a steady output of needlework. True or not, the marriage proved to be happy and fruitful, though of brief duration. Margarets aunt, Anne Neville, thus became queen. To that end, he spent the next three years in study and prayer, wearing a hair shirt next to his skin (a practice he never abandoned), and struggling to reconcile his genuine religious fervor with the demands of the outside world. Hilary Mantel. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Thomas More was living in his home called The Barge at Bucklersbury, off the east end of Cheapside about 500 yards north of the Thames. Arthur had been a courtier, an able jouster and a great favourite with Henry, serving in his privy chamber. The new pretender, Ralph Wilford, was arrested and killed before the conspiracy bred any action. Mores connection to Morton had earlier secured him admittance to Oxford, where he studied for two years, mastering Greek and Latin with an instinct of genius, and studying a wide variety of subjects, including music. And so he was imprisoned in the Tower of London on 17 April 1534. Montagu, Exeter, and Margaret were arrested in November 1538. Ultimately, they would both become martyrs of their faith (though this show is not likely . For Maid star Margaret Qualley, her job was all about building a relationship with child actor Rylea Nevaeh Whittet and making her feel safe on the set of the Netflix series that delves into . You may not of heard of Margaret Pole so I will fill you in because her death was quite brutal and makes an interesting read, (if you like the darker side of the Tudors). Katheryn Howard was fortunate. As the heir to the throne, Mary enjoyed a separate household, and in 1525 she was sent to Ludlow to hold court. Henry accepted Mores resignation. There is an apocryphal story that Morton predicted his bright and lively page would grow into a marvelous man. Mortons tax philosophy was a marvel of inescapable logic: If the subject is seen to live frugally, tell him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give generously to the King. [15][16], On the morning of 28 May 1541, Margaret was told she was to die within the hour. Edward was briefly displayed in public at St Paul's Cathedral in 1487 in response to the presentation of the impostor Lambert Simnel as the "Earl of Warwick" to the Irish lords. Margaret's loyalty was to Katherine of Aragon and to her daughter Princess Mary to whom she was governess and godmother. Margaret remained in the Tower of London for more than two years. He could now only write to his wife and favorite daughter Margaret with a piece of coal or burnt stick on scraps of paper. He moved into the Carthusian monastery adjoining Lincolns Inn and participated in the monks way of life as much as he could, while still pursuing his legal career. He waited five days before being summoned to the scaffold on Tower Hill. He married Anne Cheney, daughter of Nicholas Cheney. The Tower's professional executioner was away, so a young novice was given the job. When Margaret was only four years old, her father was killed in the Tower of London where he was imprisoned for rebelling again against his brother, Edward IV; rumor was that he was drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine. European rulers keen to destabilise England had promoted the claims of this plausible, glamorous young man, but by the summer of 1498 he was in the Tower, about to embark on the last act of his mysterious life. There wasn't any "relationship" as such. Ursula married into the powerful Stafford family; of Margarets sons, only Reginald did not marry; by the age of seven he was given utterly to God. In 1504, More was elected to Parliament and one of his first acts was to oppose Henry VIIs request of a grant of three-fifteenths. Both Henry and Reginald Pole were attainted in 1539; Geoffrey was pardoned. And his old friend, the duke of Norfolk, took care to warn him of his danger, Indignatio principis mors est. To which More famously replied, Is that all, my lord? This was not, as some say, Cratwell, who had himself been executed three years earlier, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace & Blessed Margaret Pole, "Unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Plantagenet , Countess of Salisbury National Portrait Gallery", "The Execution of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury", "1541: Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury", "Pole, Margaret, suo jure countess of Salisbury (14731541), noblewoman", "Margaret Plantagenet, Lady Pole & Countess of Salisbury (14731541)", "Our Lady Queen of Peace & Blessd Margaret Pole, Southbourne", The Tragical History of King Richard the Third, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Margaret_Pole,_Countess_of_Salisbury&oldid=1140799395, People convicted under a bill of attainder, People executed by Tudor England by decapitation, People executed under the Tudors for treason against England, Burials at the Church of St Peter ad Vincula, Governesses to the English Royal Household, Hereditary peeresses created by Henry VIII, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing copy edit from February 2023, Articles needing expert attention from June 2022, Miscellaneous articles needing expert attention, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, English Martyrs Church, Preston (she is on the right. ; Geoffrey was pardoned throne as son of Michael de la Pole, Tudor Matriarch Martyr... 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