If you happen to be sitting nearby and recognize me, buy me a metaphorical cheeseburger, eh? (Im looking at you Miki V, Larry D, Benjamin B, Bill H, Jen M and Tom V). I hope organizations find a remote work balance post COVID. An overly pronounced sense of humor reflected our personalities and was at the customer forefront in that era. Done. Lemmy's tips for buying a winter beater bike - RevZilla Lemmy's tips for buying a winter beater bike Lemmy Nov 14, 2022 57 Comments Motorcycling through poor weather was pretty common in the early days of motorcycling. revzilla.com Lemmy's garage hacks - RevZilla Five shop tips from ZLA wrench Lemmy to save time, cash and stripped carburetor screws. I suspect a few of my stories in the backlog may be published yet, and I'll also be sticking around through the end of Highside/Lowside's second season. Great looking clothing and they offer the protection you need while on your bike. I also learned those very same crutches will give you one hell of an upper-body workout, and some very raw skin near your ribs. Road salt does a number on them very quickly. Painkillers and aspirin? Protip: If someone else gets a picture, it can do wonders for your cred on social media channels. Its been limiting in terms of developing new relationships beyond the immediate topic of discussion or explicit need. For the first time ever, our coffee maker was waiting on me. Ive never climbed a mountain, why not climb the second highest peak in North America? Its got more bore and more stroke than the GX clones for $116.63 right off the bat. Garage Hacks Lemmy Revzilla Wrench Save Time Shop Store Counseling More information . Ask the doc: How long will broken ribs keep me from riding? I know modern minibikes have swoopy frames and top-mounted tanks, and they have rudimentary suspension. RevZilla has taken wonderful care of me (and by extension, my family) since the day I arrived here, and when announcing my intent to leave, the company did what theyve always done for me: They were generous and helpful, without a lick of malice. (Though I probably wouldnt have changed much at all, except maybe staying in bed right after surgery a bit longer.). I write like I talk, unfortunately. Everyone can use the help. The company sells motorcycle gear, parts and accessories and was founded in 2007. Even though I still say February is the best time to buy a bike, you can scoop some nice stuff up now that most bikes are being put in the garage and wreaths and stockings are about to come out. Here's an industry secret: Not even Big Motorcycle understands it. And thank God, you don't have to, either! Like most things, you get out what you put in and each course took about 13-15 hours of total time, but they felt like a steal. The ones we feel we know. It's his book, so he gets to tell the stories he wants to tell, the way he wants to tell them, in the language he wants to use. #nailedit. It turns out, though, that those are kind of desirable these days, and worth some money. EP. Photo by Lemmy. This site is a week old and off to a running start. Lance and Spurg and Greaser and the rest of the crew here are hardly incapable of filling the pages with good stories. Just take my word on this. (I have posted about this fiasco on IG a few times in more detail including my training plan posts #1, #2.). So Goodbye 2020! I still really hope that the federal government can do something to offer direct relief to the national food landscape. Normally, about one person a year politely hints that theyd like to ride one of my choppers, which I dutifully ignore. It's hard to think of RevZilla, the Navy Yard-based motorcycle-gear distributor, without picturing Anthony Bucci, the energetic, leather-jacketed, family-man Chief Executive Officer (and sparkplug of its engaging YouTube videos), who cofounded RevZilla in a Society Hill garage in the depths of the last recession with fellow Drexel grads Matt Kull But start there and explore the space; it does help. Tell us what you love or what we need to fix. What a generous bunch, especially the chefs and restauranteurs, as they were under direct fire and watching their businesses slip but still lent cycles to the greater good. It will also be really interesting to see what a new normal in terms of company ops and consumer preference looks like post-COVID. Boots are not sold individually. Additionally, it was my first stint truly operating since I left RevZilla in early 2017. One bright spot this year has been the high percentage of my friends and family who showed me they were who I believed they were. The truth in this case, as usual, is not very interesting. For more information, please visit SurfAndSummitMotorcycle.com. Turns out I had. Is there a juicy story youll never hear? It also shuts up the little impostor syndrome head-voice for a time. Spurg has been trying to hold up basically the whole channel with the occasional video from Lemmy, but it's been clear that they've needed help since Booch left. I am out of commission for half the riding season. No salt corroding your sprockets. There is no way I could open any commentary on the year with anything but a direct acknowledgment of how impactful and scary COVID and its potential lasting effects continue to be. It took about 15 minutes. You are the piece of shit. The Honda ST1300 is another good producer, albeit thin on the ground these days. Rainier climb in July. Youre all partially responsible for that. Ask about alternatives and outcomes. History. I literally could not keep people off them, which is fine by me. When the balance sheet is skinny and the financial incentives lighter, different tools are necessary to keep productivity and speed to market maximized in the non-profit space. Im glad I scored mine when I did; this project at that price starts launching up into real bike money. My reservations about remote work, at least in the short term, have been nullified. My speed increased. rewarding. They are usually the ones we spend the most with. Plainly, RevZilla has changed a lot, and so have I. But more important than the motorcycles or the mods, we meet some of the characters who truly make Lemmy's stories. I didnt see any real point in undergoing surgery to repair an ankle that wasnt misbehaving, and besides, it was my foot that was hurting. Over roughly 9 years and 6,000 product videos, me, motorcycle gear nuts and an extra-medium blurple shirt had one hell of a bromance. Well, its technically 27 days, if you count the 5 days pre-launch. The ones we identify with. Recently people have asked me, Can you bring back SavePhillyEats and sadly my belief is that it wont move the needle. It is Bavaria's largest city and the third largest city in Germany (after Berlin and Hamburg). Please note this image depicts a highly trained professional on a closed course. More helping hands in more places. Fantastic article HERE. First, I learned crutches should be issued with a backpack. There's a little something called "the diagnostic process" and ol' Ari has no idea how to follow it. We have a killer PR network. Omission #1 and Error #4: Lemmy has glossed over the timeline, omitting the months between injury and seeking medical advice. RevZilla Co-Founder, and soon-to-be interim CEO Matthew Kull explained to us that a lot of RevZilla's success has come from the high cadence of work that Bucci has brought to the company, and. It was far more powerful and much lighter, which also meant I was coming off the bike with greater frequency. (If you want to help, skip to the end for current needs). It was so validating to some of our hunches about what was really working. That clearly wont work here, and RevZilla and I both came to the conclusion this article was a better way for me to leave the party, so to speak. I need get stuff done people who potentially want to take our tools and playbook to their city and run with them. I gained further respect, empathy and appreciation for non-profit leaders I support. Other than the random Khan Acadamy or YouTube video, Id never done any formal or paid online learning. When team members dont know each other, how will they trust each other? Which, if you think about it, is really what winter riding in the northern half of the United States is all about. It will emerge stronger. It matters. Ask about right now as well as later. Until one day in late February, when my ankle started hurting. Another good decision to get off the Percocet. (Marc Vetri, Jen Carroll, Chris Morgan, Ange Branca, Lonny Sweet, Andrew Zimmern etc), Were calling the macro effort #SaveTheEats. I hope we can find more moderation and compromise as a country moving forward. (Man, I guess Silver Fox did teach me a little bit about journalism, even though Im only a writer.) Ive also never worked like this with a remote team. I have no idea what happens without digital communication and video tools at the ready. Now, if that rider doesn't actually show up, you might get pressed into service following Henning's advice. It's not a story you've read on Common Tread, however. Youve made me a better judge of what is newsworthy (and what is not), and youve taught me to appreciate things I mightnt have prior to working this gig. Everybody feels like they have their own stories, so why should they pay you $20 for yours?". Ask what else you should have asked and didnt. Unsafe! Next well begin incorporating giving in Philly. Opioid addiction is a big deal. We had a volunteer team of close to 30, a presence in 8 cities and an impact of roughly $2.5 million in revenue by the end. After that, the limiting factor is the valve springs, which begin to float near 5,500 rpm. Im curious if its just me and my personality type or if other folks are feeling the same lack of attention span in the current construct. RevZilla made Common Tread. Team engagement with vision, mission and values is everything. The docs gave me a truckload of Percocet and aspirin, but I got off that stuff quick, fast and in a hurry. Protein because the doc said so, and bananas because I am prone to Charley horses on that leg, and I am terrified of getting one. We cant be that selfish. Small biz and restaurants just need more. We validated our thesis that we could be significantly more helpful to our Philly food landscape by donating our time and effort versus just donating financially to a relief fund. That way, if one of them won't start, just ride another one. Then he was gonna take healthy bone and cartilage from a non-weight-bearing part of the outside of my ankle, and core that out, as well. At this stage, its bringing a knife to a gunfight. (The lawn was only half-mowed that day. I actually think our only interaction ever was me asking him to unban me for violating posting rules in the forums vendor area in 2010. You're going to slowly unpack that tool roll in the hopes that a rider who's better at roadside diagnosis will ride up before you're forced into figuring out why this bucket of bolts has decided not to burn gas. He just wanted to ride again. Lemmy's knowledge and wit graces us this week as we talk about Harley things, Harley bikes and just stuff. Sure. Photo by Dan Venditto.We also meet that CX500, the Bandit, the orange-flake Blockhead chopper his wife bought him with scraped-together money in their younger days and multiple choppers to follow. Lemmy gets it right. Many bikes nowadays are just too valuable to hot rod, and deep down, I am not a stock bikes kind of guy. Minibikes used to be powered by flathead engines made by Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, and a few others. The Institute is in great hands. I wont be until I stop breathing, I guess. Read. Your buddies won't; I guarantee it. In my estimation, many motorcycles can be pressed into winter service, but a few characteristics from this list make a bike extra good, I think. (I wrote about it here.) Tobacco Motorwear:For the best in stylish and comfortable riding jeans go to Tobacco Motorwear and get yourself a pair of Kevlar Lined Riding Jeans and while you're at it, get the California riding shirt. And then there's a chapter on Spurgeon, his partner in video crime and editorial do-gooding here at Common Tread. Director Michael Flatley Writer Michael Flatley Stars Michael Flatley Eric Roberts And he'll listen to your stories while doing it. My plan to make this bike scary-fast mostly is based on pulling more revs out of it. Being intellectually honest, I have found very few things harder than trying to do appropriate deal diligence or build a new relationship over Zoom so I have burnered most new inbound. Instead, I suspect youll probably want to know two things: why, and why Im writing about it. The chicken had stopped being chicken. (But again, my advice is to skip the photos. Photo by Lemmy. Im most known for RevZilla. Today he posted his top-read posts of all time with some commentary that specifically called out a guest post on company voice called Minimum Viable Personality. (Another angle even showed a little piece of cartilage that had broken off.) how to build a custom 5 talking about this. I did my best to help contribute to a solution to hopefully weather this 100-year storm while also furthering healthy conversations surrounding an evolving biz model and a brand that is about to turn 200 years old. One has to scroll down a ways on the RevZilla page to see that it is not just . If you choose a bike that doesnt have oodles of extra generatin' potential, you're going to freeze your cookies off. Plus, theyre approachable. The plastic the internal gear is made of can and will grenade. I need team captains (operators) to pair with our national chef network to spin things up in new places. Here are some things to look for. Readers (you!) For the first time in my professional career, Ive paused my network. Youve made me better at researching, at thinking before stroking the keys, and at responding to criticism. On my left side, with my steel shoe. But usually not. www.imotorhead.com You guys are smart and funny as hell and opinionated and I don't have any intention of giving up that part of my morning. Im grateful for the amazing people who have stepped up, tapped in and answered the call. I skipped a week 2 update because things have been bonkers and I had no time to write anything. Lemmy's Mini Bike Project! made Common Tread great. I forgot what it was like to operate at this clip and with so much changing daily. From then on we embraced our own voice. The doc seemed to think that was causing my click, and sent me for an MRI. Surf and Summit Motorcycle:Maine and New Hampshire's newest motorcycle rental and tour company. Knobby on-and-off-road tires work great in rain and maybe even a little snow, if you get caught out. It is extremely rare for RevZilla to sell a helmet that was manufactured longer than 2 years from the date of purchase. Here is the interview. A swap meet may be a good place to get a deal. At last, some wise choices. Lastly, SPE has Logo Merch! I cant really write a farewell article without addressing this elephant in the room. But maybe I can rise to the level of not terrible.. I was not sure theyd even want any more of my work when I broke the news. So with all that in the rearview (deep breath), heres what Im hoping for in 2021. This post helped me recognize it and gave me further permission to lean into it. ), I began writing for Common Tread with no formal motorcycle education, and precious little writing training beyond Composition I and whatever Lance managed to beat into my head. Since I began writing for Common Tread, Lance has gotten after me a number of times about burying my ledes and leading off with weak nut graphs. Tell everyone how reliable your old bikes are since they're still running at times. We have specialists for that. I am leaving maybe not as a better writer, but definitely a better man than I was when I arrived. I hope that the racists, sexists, and supremacists are all marginalized, ignored by the mainstream media and sent back to their dark corners. They need to be digitally savvy and be able to manage a small team, marshall resources and execute. Just a little over a month later, that price on Amazon has jumped to a whopping $718.97. We even had one Chef tell us, You generated $36,000 for my currently closed restaurant, in the first 5 days. Im exhausted. The colder the weather in which you are riding, the more important these become. Ask the doc: The complexities of pelvic fractures. What makes a good foul-weather beater bike? I scored a Coleman CT200U brand spankin new from Amazon, which apparently has a 200-pound weight rating, meaning I should not ride it and probably not jump it and it will not put up with the stresses of a full-grown Lem. Restaurants typically have 3 weeks of cash on hand. I even created an informal internal brand mantra I called 5% jokes which I used to ask Zillans if they applied to what they were working on. Pop. Almost any engine in this layout is also likely to have another winter benefit: Some might argue that riding a vintage Harley-Davidson Servi-Car in the snow is sacrilegious use of a rarity. Having a few hunks of junk allows you to do a few things: Having a bunch of crappy bikes to counteract a recalcitrant starter is so obvious it's not even mentioned in most service manuals under the Troubleshooting section. There's a chance you might be on the side of the road when your bike won't start, and in that case my advice to buy more bikes isn't pragmatic. I rarely go to any of the other moto journalism sites anymore--Motorcycle.com, MotorcycleDaily.com, Rider.com---as euro, electric, & cruisers don't interest me. Bonus points for a trailer. The odds of four not starting are a lot slimmer. Ankle injuries are serious stuff. I was healing up fine. If I want reality TV I should be watching Bravo, not CNN. At the same time we were changing, the world did what the world does, and changed, too. Committing to leading an organization is as addictive, humbling and as all-consuming as it ever was. You need them to know you and your machine are one. Photo by Lemmy. I think maybe I got a bit better at this job along the way, but I still use a lot of bad words, still cant deal with imprecision in language, still write articles that are entirely too long on totally arcane subjects, and tell stories that are ultimately irrelevant to nearly everyone who rides a normal motorcycle. I was wrong to believe I would lead differently, more efficiently or within a self-imposed 50-hour-a-week constraint. Motonirvana, Turismo9999 and Bill Lumberg like this. When I reemerged they were all showing the wear and virtual school was still a train wreck, as well. Looking to the aftermarket to see what exists to stay comfortable might help focus your bike shopping. Ask the doc: The specialized trauma care that saved an injured flat-track racer. Lemmy, the resident Harley guru here at RevZilla, has been wanting to branch out and try his hand at other product reviews for some time now. If you are not satisfied, then ask for a second opinion. Almost all are simple and economical to work on. Ignore a very real mechanical problem one of your other unreliable motorcycles may have. The number of people I have heard say, What are you gonna do? or I have to live my life relating to the holidays, vacations or other non-work choices makes me sad. @RevZilla Dec 29, 2019 Michelin has a proven pedigree in the motorsports industry. There are better ways to push things forward and I have a half a mullet. I bought it with the intention of returning to modifying things with reckless abandon; of performing dangerous open-heart surgery; of pumping up power output with little or no regard for ones own safety or the wisdom of such tinkering. Photo by Roy Kim. Surf and Summit offers Harley Davidson big twins and Suzuki V-Stroms for rent at reasonable prices. Take it with a grain of salt, but take it under consideration. I can now add local telethon host to my resume right below former D-list YouTube video guy. The answers are all no. The interesting thing is that the autoresponder went up in July and now has persisted 5 months later. Then, he ended that introduction with a money-back guarantee. Yeah, let me get right on that, Henning. I view the world through clear eyes, so I see that trying to keep me perfectly happy probably isnt possible or prudent for RevZilla, either. They are the ones we feel most strongly connected to. Note the steeple hands in the video screen cap. I hope people wake up and realize its not about them. It would be months later when we released our first bike review video, with Lemmy testing a Harley-Davidson V-Rod, a bike we rented, or when we finally got our first official press bike to review, a Triumph Tiger 800 XCx. We have a hunch about what a new museum normal may look like, but the timeline is still TBD and sadly tied to externalities. At many other moments since 1776, its been a theme dramatically more embraced than we see today. My full backstory October 18, 2022 0 Ben would be so proud. Action Romance Thriller Troubled secret agent "Blackbird" abruptly retires from service and opens a luxurious nightclub in the Caribbean to escape the dark shadows of his past. Hilarious. Our IMS is pretty much a shitshow of Harley with a smattering of Kawasaki, Suzuki and Honda. I know! Of the people I talked to who seemed to understand why I wanted to do this, some said, Man, I wish I still had my minibike. The other half of people who got it said, Man, I always wanted a minibike!. Someone somewhere probably put together a compendium with photos and detailed steps documenting the problem. That was in October. This week my special guest is none other than that wacky guy we all know and love from Revzilla's Common Tread and Revzilla videos. Check out some of Lemmy's fine work at REVZILLA. Born December 24, 1945 Died December 28, 2015 (70) Add to list Photos 9 Known for Airheads 6.1 School Newspaper Rocker (as Lemmy von Motorhead) 1994 Grosse Pointe Blank 7.3 I hope they get to keep most of that benefit. He also dug up some cringey old photos of me. When we proudly sunset SaveTheEats in July as restaurants opened again, I was ready to tap back in at home. Im a founder, CEO, brand builder, investor, tech geek, family man and juggernaut. You may have already heard about "Booger," the first motorcycle (to use that term loosely) that teenaged Lemmy ever brought home, but in the book you get the full story of the purchase of that homely moped, how he got it running, his first maiden ride under internal combustion power and how he had to shoot the gap past the bumper of his mother's Ford to achieve liftoff to freedom, despite her objections. Help us connect. "Top dead center?" Ive been a master of the Irish goodbye for years. And don't fret: I taught him everything I knew that he didn't. Thankfully, all recovered. In that respect, this article is a little like pitting after the checkered flag has waved. His Harley-Davidson Road King is outfitted with a set of bespoke lowers, just like the leg shields from the war era. Most have plastic bodywork that doesn't do diddly to keep you warm but also doesnt mind salt. I even earn a brief mention myself, in the introduction, where Lemmy recounts my words to him when he told me he was going to write a book of his motorcycle stories. The piece of shit is you.) The final reason Im telling you is the most important one; the one that should make you proud, because its the one that makes me proud. What I didnt have, though, was anything resembling protection. I think it is probably also a good idea to get with a doctor who understands what youre doing. Thanks, too, to those of you who elected to leave comments for me, for Common Tread, and for your motorcycling peers. Lemmy was not required to recreate it on his own. What a blur, like being shot out of a cannon. I wrote about it here, but never wrote the follow up post. It was full validation for our bet on Zillas product-market fit and the evolved decision to share our unique and authentic voice more fully with our customers. They also managed to dig up this gem. If it's cold, your local car wash won't have water with which to clean it, and you sure don't want to turn your driveway or road into a sheet of ice by washing your bike there. Error #2: Failing to learn from object lessons. So many things are so easy to swap. Lets go through how that came to pass, much like we might assess a crash after the fact by looking at the highlight reel. That's also pure Lemmy. RevZilla photo. Warp speed compared to the Vintage Heavy class. Even if you think you or your family are not in danger, wear a mask, social distance, dont dine indoors with people who dont live with you. Prolly ought to see a doctor if that happens. Look for cosmetically whupped Suzuki DRs, Kawasaki KLRs, and Honda XRs if youre trying to keep the purchase price down. Surf and Summit is happy to deliver your rental bike wherever you are staying, or you can peruse the bikes in person at Street Cycles of Falmouth, Maine. You can tell him about the timing and then help him load up, and when he asks you where you want to go, you'll have a look of satisfaction on your face as you lock eyes and say, "Take this piece of shit to the shop, buddy!". That was one of the biggest learnings in building the brand. Whether we explicitly realize it or not, the best companies nail the consistent delivery of their personality across customer touchpoints especially in B2C. Andif you go to the Edison New Jersey store, ask for Chainsaw Jenny or Sean and be sure to tell them the Motorcycle Men sent you. Plainly, RevZilla has changed a lot, and so have I. An X-ray showed a lesion on my talus bone. This is an industry fueled by passion and love with already thin margins. A lesson on the value of modifications learned early. Don't pooh-pooh a sidecar. You never know what winter will surprise you with. At the same time we were changing, the world did what the world does, and changed, too. Fake Product Reviews with Lemmy Part 3 http://www.revzilla.com/common-tread?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=Fake_Product_Reviews_w. I was also so impressed with how genuinely and gracefully the outgoing ED, Miki V, supported the retrenching and leadership transition during this uber stressful time. ), I didnt realize how serious my injury was or how serious the surgery to repair it would be, nor was I really aware how limited my options were should the operation go kerflooey. Shop Store Counseling more information and detailed steps documenting the problem am not a you! Youre doing up post a stock bikes kind of guy years from the date purchase. 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