Feb 11, 2020. His eyes become noticeably sterner and more defined with green eyes. Xeno Goku having obtained the Key Sword (that had been previously thrown away by Mechikabura) hands it over to Chronoa so she can recharge it. Male Both attacks clashed causing a beam struggle. Please logout and login again. His aura also becomes rounder with larger electrical sparks. Ciel's power revolves around in-depth analysis, learning, and problem-solving skill, and overall utility at using spells to its utmost efficiency. Reply explaining the issue. Its sub-skills are the following:[28], Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath: Rimuru's Ultimate Skill that's created as a result of synthesizing Wisdom Lord Raphael, Gluttony King Beelzebub, Storm King Veldora, and Scorch King Velgrynd. Counterparts Xeno Goku, Mira, and Broly about to battle. @aryansingh: IDK. Blessed with immense healing abilities, he set out to learn a bunch of different skills, make friends, and become king of the monsters along the way. If he has high godly regen and law Manipulation , how is Xeno Goku gonna compete ? Can also act as a One hit Kill, Damage reduction Ability strong spirit When you receive an attack, reduce the damage by 20% & never get stuck. The temporary state was used to battle against Fu. He's a God, Angel, Demon, True Dragon, Spiritual Lifeform, Demon Slime, and Slime. Age 774 Answer (1 of 11): Rimuru will obviously win this fight no difficulty. rimuru is 2b. Main articles: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Goku knew he had to end the fight. Fr these people just can't accept that there are stronger people than Goku. He knew he was dangerous so he prepared a stance. The character chart describes him as the strongest Saiyan. The attack made rimuru move infinitely faster than light. Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) and Xeno Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker) and Xeno Vegeta (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker) vs. Janemba (Black), Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) and Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Fu (Dark King (Dogidogi Completely Absorbed)). To spread distance between the two Goku took a fiery Ki blast and threw it at the face of rimuru who jumped back and threw his own fire like ball at it, Causing a small explosion. His life changed in Dragon Ball when he was discovered by Bulma, and he eventually . However, Urashiki does this from range, almost instantly, and takes a big chunk of your energy in the process. He later fights against Salsa (who is using an augmented Demon God form) and despite his struggles while in base form, soon ends the fights with a single Kamehameha as a Super Saiyan. For all intents and purposes, Urashiki is currently just a slightly better version of Rimuru. I don't agree with Infinite D rimuru but I agree even less with higher D goku so Rimuru hax stomps, Spamming "XeON GOkU sTOmPs" won't change anything. He then returns to the hideout where he is subsequently frozen briefly by the mind controlled Chronoa and later struck by a mass of dark energy belonging to Mechikabura. 10. Saying that his analysis is complete, Dr. W disappears through a distortion, leaving the two to wonder what he meant. Xeno Goku along with a few of his fellow Time Patrollers, enter into Aeos' Space-Time Tournament. Xeno Goku struggling to break free from Cumber's dark energy restraints. Upon seeing Xeno Goku, Broly goes into a fit of rage and attacks him immediately. For all intents and purposes, Urashiki is currently just a slightly better version of Rimuru. So as long as he avoids being eaten by Rimuru, he can just chip away at his energy pool until theres nothing left. (rimuru has no gender) The punches started to check the multiverse its self. Xeno goku takes it no diff . Since we talked about Mob, we might as well get his older brother out of the picture. After having achieved victory, Xeno Goku and the rest of his allies are transported to the Crack of Time via Putine's magic. I though there was a CAV for this battle? The Sayian's primary weakness, however, is his naivete. However, the Dark Empire army arrive along with their commander, the Demon God Dabura who intervenes in Goku and Buu's battle. During the Super Space-Time Tournament, although his primary duty is to investigate the host Aeos's sinister intentions and retake the Scrolls of Eternity, he deliberately seeks the main Goku out during the first round for a one-on-one brawl. [Permanent], Translates to increasing your chances to hit your enemies, Power Null via his keysword Can Seal any enemy abillity in DBH, some of which includes, Reality Warping, Law Manipulation, etc. Cumber retaliates by throwing a giant energy blast at the pair and the Saiyans begin to lose ground as it forces them slowly backwards. Xeno Goku persuades Vegeta to do as she asks and not to knock it until he tries it. Cc goku (dbsh main timeline) is stronger than Dbs Goku. Rimuru creates 10,000 universes, not an infinite number, plus he only does so with power he stored up over an unknown amount of time so it isn't exactly repeatable. Becoming frustrated, the two Saiyans transform into Super Saiyan 4 with Xeno Goku firing a Kamehameha and Xeno Vegeta a Galick Gun though the attacks appear to do no damage. However Xeno Vegeta cuts her off mid-sentence and sarcastically asks if they are going to stay there and listen to her endless prattling as he is eager to get to the battlefield to aid his son and fight the enemy, Chronoa says that it is fine with her and that they are leaving. Each body is connected through the Soul Corridor which makes their memories transcend time and space and are accumulated within each other. A Transcendent Battle Begins on the Prison Planet! Goku WENT SUPER SAIYAN. Think of Anos as a slightly different Saitama in terms of power, as he has some of the most intense feats in all of anime. Is anyone stronger than Rimuru tempest? If youve been watching That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, you would know that Rimuru is shaping up to become one of the most powerful characters weve ever seen. Shortly afterward Demigra and his henchmen Chamel and Robelu appear. Anime: JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. Birth Date 9/9/2022. "KAMEHAMEHAAA" Goku yells firing a blue ki blast at the deity. When Eri unleashes her full power, shes able to rewind the physical bodies of anyone around her, even phasing them out of existence. Seeing the ongoing battle between the two, Xeno Goku powers up into his Super Saiyan 4 state as well and heads into battle as all three fighters battle it out against one another at the same time. Xeno Goku is above an infinite multiverse, since he's basically scales above Demigra, who eill destroy the entire infinite timelines. He uses this form to knock out Gravy with a single headbutt in one of the game's openings. Xeno Goku's voice, even compared to his normal Super Saiyan 4 form, becomes deeper and calmer. Occupation Goku is dimensions above, ^ That's Rimuru Physiology EOS. Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. Saitamas raw stats are simply so high that no combination of skills, tactics, or trap cards could ever defeat him. The universe is destroyed as a result of a great spirit being born and erasing everything, life and death, and even the other great spirits whose birth gave rise to the existence of their respective element, for example, time never existed until the spirit of time was born), and all his abilities (Rimuru should resist analyzed skills obtained from gaining Yuuki's Information King-Akashic Records because Rimuru gets resistance to abilities that he analyzed, from his Reactive Evolution), Acausality (Type 3 with Multiple Existence. Toki Toki is affected by the tampering of time and can also resurrect himself through eggs that hold time), https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682723873418248327/682735296768770058/IMG_20200226_181548-1.jpg, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682723873418248327/682735442021711908/Screenshot_20200223-134456.png, https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/8/87/Time_space_god.png/revision/latest?cb=20160421033950, https://www.kanzenshuu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16328&start=7960, https://www.kanzenshuu.com/2014/09/19/dragon-ball-xenoverse-reveals-november-2014-v-jump/, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682731797502492754/682747130141736982/Screenshot_20200227-183030.png, Temporal BFR Deflected a blast that BRFs enemy trough time, Mind Manipulation, and Corruption Dark ki is able to mind control Golden Coora: That evil saiyans ki is filled with evil. Rimuru is also capable of performing a variety of techniques that make it impossible for anyone to match him, even Goku. Before he can explain his reasons as to why, the two Goku are ambushed by another team. In the arcade video game only, Goku defeats Xeno Goku, who is left to catch his breath after the battle, realizing that his counterpart is a step above him. Saiyan Now Rimuru is outerversal level. Rimuru would initially regenerate everything, but even he couldnt survive being torn to shreds for the millionth time. Frankly, it'd be much more fun seeing them have an eating contest. Main article: Prison Planet Saga Its the battle between two of the most powerful galactic busters, Who will win. This Ultimate Skill power revolves around manipulating organic matter and creating clones. And surely someone would write that in, being that there are quite a few people opposed to our slimy savior. Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is a spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features.However, he has softer eyes, a kind demeanor, and a lighter pale skin complexion from his mother, Gine.Perhaps Xeno Goku's most distinguishing physical . Xeno Goku form is eight times stronger than an ordinary Super Saiyan. Plenty of shonen anime put Goku above pretty much everyone else, even godlike characters that he'd have no real way of defeating. Chronoa prays that the DBH Team can hold on just a little bit more before she arrives with Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. Which could prove problematic for Rimuru. Hes no stranger to murder, and he moves faster than light itself. Xeno Goku ( , Son Gok: Zeno)[2] is an incarnation of Son Goku (, Son Gok) from a world separate to the main timeline. "Lets continue our fight in here" He says before going inside. Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku do the same thing he did against the Shadow Dragons once before, and with little other choice, Xeno Goku asks for Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan to share their energy with both himself and Xeno Vegeta. Relatives "It don't matter" is not an argument.One guy copy pasted the entire battle wiki page. Either way, Rimuru becomes a lot easier to kill once you rewind all of those ridiculous buffs. Xeno Goku, Goku (Super Saiyan), and Xeno Trunks vs. Xeno Goku vs. Xeno Majin Buu (Dark Demon God Buu), Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta vs. Shroom (Demon God). You see, Golden Experience Requiem has this very fun ability where he can send you into an infinite loop of death that you can never escape. In this altered history, Xeno Frieza, attached to the One-Star Dark Dragon Ball was overwhelming Goku even as a Super Saiyan. Time is an abstract non-physical property, so being able to be the embodiment of it means you rely on having control over it as a concept. In the game, Xeno Goku briefly uses the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 form against Black Janemba, with power from Goku, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan. Magic Perception also grants the ability to understand and express the intent of spoken words even if the language of the conversation partner is unknown. Goku also has a Zen form, and the ability to sense other universes and their dimensional energy. Power mimicry/Information analysis Ahms was incapable of copying data from bim, Empathic Manipulation (Unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love). He's perfectly pleasant and kind until he becomes angry. Needless to say, Saitama would win this fight. I've made an answer on this for those who still doubt it: https . This time, we are pitting him against Rimuru Tempest. Xeno Goku had sensed an error in the timeline he knew he had to check it out. Madoka is in character but is in her law of cycles form, Rimuru is also in character and doesn't want to back down. It reflects the author's views. "Everyone is counting on me!" Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is a spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features. While this is a pretty powerful move . Rules: End of Web Novel Rimuru. With Masayukis intense determination, the effect of his ability increased to the maximum. While Xeno Goku in Base Form able to fought Demigra. "LIMIT BREAKER" His hair now red he rushed through the attack and used everything he had. Rimuru has an endless supply of magical power and the ability to travel through space and time. Or Rimuru uses Melt Slash, Turn Null, etc. The two Gokus then fire a Super Kamehameha at Frieza and though he is able to hold each of them back, it causes enough distraction to enable Xeno Trunks to slice him in half, correcting history. Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta perform the Limit Breaker Double Ultimate Dragon Fist. Goku being able to move on a higher spatial plane of temporality would essentially mean he is capable of reaching higher sets of infinity in speed via transfinite arithmetic by using cardinalities that are infinitely greater in size than another set of infinity. Goku additionally has a Zen type, and the flexibility to sense different universes and their dimensional vitality. Upon arrival, they barely have enough time to see the tree before Xeno Goku and the rest of the Time Patrol are forcibly transported away to another location by Towa. Thus Rimuru can't die as long as his other bodies exist in imaginary space and another universe)[15]. Once transported to the battlefield, Xeno Goku confronts Goku, voicing his excitement at the prospect of facing him again but says that he is actually there as he has business with the tournaments host. The combined energy pushed them far beyond their natural limits of Super Saiyan 4, obtaining a state that radiated with power. This flame also has the resistance nullification property, The ability to move within shadows, and teleport to people and also places he had been before. The dude literally inflicted damage onto his opponent just through the sound of his own heartbeat. A member of a near extinct race called the Saiyans, Son Goku was sent to Earth to make a better life for himself and he succeeded. When Dabura slices Buu in half he turns his attention to Goku but dropping his guard the conflict started to escalate when Buu absorbs Dabura. At some point he encountered Broly. Even with the arrival of Salsa and Putine, the group are not able to gain an advantage. Chances are they're talking about xeno goku, who does beat rimuru pretty easily since he is high complex multiversal ( xeno . 4. [It was stated that the Keysword was made from the power of Light, Darkness, and Time], these are some of the governing forces of the Multiverse. Both him and rimuru started clashing so hard they started to destroy the dimension they were in. She brings them to her house within the Time Nest to prepare by changing into their official Time Patrol Uniforms though Xeno Vegeta decides to pass on her "fashion pointers" though she pulls rank by saying he won't be leaving to go on the mission unless he does. So Xeno Goku being able to harm conceptual abstract beings grants him conceptual attacks on a destructive level. Although not classified as an Ultimate Skill, she (Rimuru refers to Ciel as a female) possesses improved abilities compared to her old self. DBX Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. There the Time Patrol encounter and battle the Xeno Shadow Dragons including Xeno Omega Shenron and attain victory. Astronomically stronger as Super Saiyan Blue. After overpowering Super Saiyan 3 Cumber, the two defuse. This fight requires quite a bit of head-cannon to claim Eri would win, but it is possible. While they were successful at holding their own against the powered up Dark Demon God Buu, they were stopped in their tracks by the sudden appearance of the mysterious Chamel and as a result Buu escapes. After putting on his uniform which includes his Power Pole and a bag of Senzu Beans, Xeno Goku says it is weird wearing something other than his gi but Chronoa tells him to deal with it. In the game, Xeno Goku is ambushed by Majin Ozotto, who steals his Special Dragon Ball and runs off. Assuming argent in Doom is equivalent to magical power in 7 deadly sins, Meliodas can return anything Doomguy threw at him, including BFG and crucible blade, provided that he's as fast or faster than Doomguy. However when it comes time to battle Demigra himself he instead offers a truce knowing that Mechikabura has escaped from the Time Labyrinth. With little other choice, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta use the Fusion Dance to become Xeno Gogeta and transform into a Super Saiyan before urging Shroom to fight him again. Rimuru then recovered and then threw the hardest punch. Tempest can also destroy things on an atomic and spiritual level. @supersonictl: I'm still going to go with Rimuru tbh. Truly fun stuff. When Xeno Goku appears in the Dark Demon Realm Saga of Dark Demon Realm Mission he is said to be "the strongest warrior", suggesting that he is more powerful than Demon God Demigra, who had appeared before him. Mechikabura had absorbed countless to infinite time lines using budokai 3 statements and he had time base . Xeno Goku is also seemingly void of his Saiyan tail until transforming into Super Saiyan 4. Xeno Goku's history is very similar to his main timeline counterpart's with him being known to have experienced versions of the Frieza and Cell Sagas, but unlike his main counterpart, he encountered the movies Tree of Might, Lord Slug, and Fusion Reborn as well as the events of Dragon Ball GT - having battled the Shadow Dragons in the past. I would like to see all feats presented for both sides. Allegiance However, its scale and nature was on a completely different level to the extent that it can rival that of Ramiris' Labyrinth Creation, Tear's Unique SkillThe Ignorant (Optimist). They started clashing fists which was destroying reality itself. By that I mean he has so many blessings, hell always have the exact perfect ability to defeat any foe anytime, anywhere. Rimuru shot a huge blast at the saiyan which he shot the biggest kamehameha he could. But he gets haxs stomped tho. When Xeno Goku comes through the other side of the portal he finds himself in the Demon Realm and sees Super Saiyan 4 Dark Broly battling against Demon Goddess Towa. This allows enough time for Chronoa to recharge the Key Sword enabling Xeno Trunks to deliver the final blow and seal Mechikabura away in an eternal labyrinth. He is also unable to land a single blow on Demon God Dabura, whose power impresses him and is then at a severe disadvantage when attacked by Dark Demon God Buu. At 100%, Mob can toss buildings around like theyre nothing, and tank city-destroying explosions without any major issues. Rimuru has access to every abilities/transformations/power-ups and etc. Julius has an immense range that can cover an entire country. When encountering Xeno Frieza (who has merged with the One-Star Dark Dragon Ball) on Namek, a combined Kamehameha from base Xeno Goku and Super Saiyan Goku (Namek) is able to pressure Frieza at 100% Full Power with the One-Star Dark Dragon Ball Merged. 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