Preview. notion shift script. arms :::: upper arms, lower arms, elbows, shoulders, hair, fat, muscle, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. Hobby 1 (details about your hobby such as . You can always script to shift back into a reality exactly like your CR, but with the changes you want. In shifting, reality checks work, because it is an actual reality. You dont have your 5 senses, and your body is just a vessel for you to return to. warmth :::: this is how easily you can make people feel at ease, safe, and comforted around you, even if you're an authority figure. visual memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember things through sight. vacations, game night, road trips, shopping, etc. last name meaning :::: the meaning, language, and backstory associated with your last name. description :::: what can your magic do? dorm :::: describe your bedroom, bathroom, closet, and other attached rooms here. However, you can shift back into a reality exactly like your original one, except you are productive. Suppose I script that my wr self has photographic memory and if I study there, will I remember it? @ ISimp4Anonymous. 2) Write it down manually, and then copy it to your web browser. ), What are the Symptoms of Shifting Realities? When you shift, you have all your senses, you are in a physical body from your DR, and there is a version of you that you leave behind in your current reality. You may mention the state, city, and hospital. The app can look like anything you want, people have different versions of the app, it looks different for everyone. any wars fought were for a good reason and ended peacefully, and people of bad intentions are very rare to come by and get what they deserve in the end or learn their lesson. Imagine yourself on an elevator, feel yourself going up. an example would be "east asian / yellow skinned", "african / black skinned", "mixed this and that / this skin to go with it" and etc. Get rid of every argument, disagreement, and dilemma you have in that relationship with the specific person and make a bond in your desired reality. 34 Stories. notice how the examples are in the same order and tie into the ones from the race category, so that might help you. Methods dont shift you, only you can shift you. Get your Beautiful Mind Journal and shop printables that make your life easier! Shifting is not psychosis, maladaptive daydreaming, lucid dreaming, astral projecting, or related to any mental health disorders. :::: status (good, bad, etc.) My thoughts are powerful and create my desired reality. birth place :::: the place you were born, can include planet, continent, country, state/province, city/district, etc. When you feel ready, imagine the elevator stopping. You dont have to follow methods exactly as they are written. Press J to jump to the feed. Because you can shift, easily, anywhere you want. This means based on what you were brought up to believe about yourself/the world has made you shift into the reality you are in right now. This is just a template I came up with. So you would be 18+ with a minor, WHICH IS WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS. No you wont shift back unless you intend to. You can be as specific as you want down to what happens in that reality, not because you created it, but because a reality where that specific event happens, already exists. Detailed or brief, whatever suits you. Age is just a number; you can change it if you like. 41. clueless shifting script template. script template. My clone is acting as me, so that noone knows it is not me. Act as if you are here in your CR by choice, not because you are forced to be. Remember, drinking plenty of water is essential, as shifting requires a lot of energy. new cr template . + family act (how you act around your family): + friend act (how you act around your friends): + self act (how you act when you're alone): + skin type (acne, clear, freckles, etc. example: deeper voice, biting things, scratching things, furrowing eyebrows, etc. Most of us are not like them, and we will have trouble shifting realities making a shifting script helpful and necessary. digital edits :::: this is how good your ability to do complex digital edits (like when you look up fan edits lol) is. road trips, zoo, bouncy castle, water park, amusement park, laser tag, arcade, mall, ice skating, food, picnic, rollerskating, mud fight, food fight, camping, fireworks, holiday decorating, easter egg painting, secret santa, polar express, trick or treating, pumpkin carving, halloween town, friendsgiving, friend dates, cuddles, stargazing, shared tiktoks, parties, drives, playground after hours, abandoned or closed buildings, season dances, friend breakfast lunch and or dinner, shopping, secret hideout! Do you get it or not? Technically, you could put your phone with your script open under your pillow, but with overheating, this can be dangerous. Etc. If you're shifting into something already existing, like a game, movie, or anime, just write "My desired reality is (name)." You can also put what you want to change about it, like "All people in it speak English." If not, describe it as much as you can. example: twirling or tossing hair, biting nails, cracking knuckles, tapping nose, etc. reflexes :::: this is how fast you react. birthday, personality. However, shifting itself is not a sin, because it is a natural process that we do all the time, every second. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Pen accordingly. Are you sitting or laying down? when I leave my dr pauses and continues playing once I return. You dont just spawn into a new reality, youve always been there, youre just becoming conscious of yourself in your chosen reality. alias one :::: your first alias and its pronunciation. A detailed script template for shifting realities. remember that you can do this and the universe showed you shifting for a reason. Hi! If you're shifting into something already existing, like a game, movie, or anime, just write "My desired reality is (name)." Privacy Policy. aim :::: this is how well you aim attacks and other things aiming related. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. scent memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember through scent. Once the train doors open, step out and see your DR self sleeping in your DR room. Purchased item: notion REALITY SHIFTING HUB | digital shifting script template notion | shifting realities notion template. mental health :::: this is how healthy are you mentally. Traits: I am (enter -kind/honest/lazy/). 7 hours ago Another note is that I copy all the slides for each character, my script is currently 89 slides long. Here is an example of what a basic script should include. Still, eventually, you will be able to shift to your desired reality easily. You, reading this, right now, are not a clone. Let me know in the comments below! Daydreaming also keeps some people from reality, leaving them unable to complete tasks. staff of this amino pls feature this ik it doesn't look like it but this took me over twelve mother trucking hours to make mostly because of the explanation of each part but whatever so grr >:(, #feature #featurethis #featureme #colorcrewreview. Describe your magic wand. an example would be "chinese", "nigerian", "mixed this and that", and etc. + name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met, how close you are. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. five nights at freddy's template: spanish version . job :::: what does your job look like outside, inside, general aesthetic, office, bathrooms, cafeteria, commons, etc. I hope I make sense. On this page of the shifting script, you can see that these are easy information about yourself. People have done so before, and provided screen recordings of them using the app. With that being said, you know now what to include in your shifting templates! Make sure to use all your senses if possible. living area :::: describe your living room, kitchen, side bathrooms, and other attached rooms here. back :::: fat, muscle, hair, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. Changing subconscious beliefs isnt easy, and it takes time. You cant be stuck in any reality, because then youd be stuck in time. Keep affirming and visualising this until you fall asleep. This method can be used on top of any other method. WR- Waiting room, this is often a reality with just a single house/room/building for a shifter to rest between shifts, work on their scripts, or go to for a break. In a maladaptive daydream, you often make facial expressions, speak quietly, etc while in the dream. Learn more. But dont be too afraid that youre not returning to your exact original reality, because we shift every second anyway, we are not attached to any reality permanently. are you close? I want to script to a waiting room, not to any desired reality. P.S., if you are a believer in the law of assumption/attraction, you would know your subconscious beliefs/thoughts create reality. almost everything is fun for me, and there is always at least one happy, sweet, or funny thing that happens a day, and at least one super happy, super sweet, and super funny thing per week. #shift Run after them, they will run towards and fall into a large rabbit hole. You can also fall asleep at the end of this method. :pscript template: m. hearing level :::: this is how good your sense of hearing is. there are also new and old holidays and all of them are real. script template layout. Feel the emotions of actually being in your DR. Say affirmations like I have shifted and I am in my desired reality until you fall asleep. #scripting swimming outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. It is your desired reality, after all. crochet :::: this is how good your ability to do complex crochet is. I can, and I will go to my desired reality. can be different for different body parts, clothes, other items, time of day, who you're around, etc. first name :::: your first name and its pronunciation. How to Script for Shifting (FREE Shifting Script Template PDF). Have no doubts about being in your DR the next day, and you should wake up there. bedroom :::: describe your bedroom, bathroom, closet, and other attached rooms here. friends :::: friend scenarios. Because clones are real people and real versions of them, and especially if they dont know about shifting, the clones arent aware that they are clones. Cr: current reality. Like some wars that happens and it effects the reality even now), Your home: (where do you live in this reality? This is the template I use for shifting :) I very literally just copy-pasted my script the deleted certain portions + added descriptions to others aha . if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole school section but you can do one for each individual room and category too if you want like be my guest. school outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. 2023 Motherhood Life Balance. I want this to be a mega-script that covers all bases. If reality is built on our subconscious thoughts, and we shift all the time, you have shifted into your CR. fat % :::: 14-35% is good for women and 6-25% is good for men. if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. When you shift, the version of you that is left behind goes on with life as normal, with no trace that you are somewhere else, and is able to complete tasks. mental age :::: your maturity level in terms of age. It doesnt matter, you dont have to script everything perfectly. audible memory :::: how detailed, accurate, and much you can remember things through hearing. Template for scripting! Step 2: Describe the place where you want to go. sight tolerance :::: this is how good your tolerance of too bright or painful to look at things. I advice to you to download the app if you're on phone. When you reach the top, there will be a door and a mirror, look into the mirror at yourself. Take some time for yourself and dont overwork yourself. Although you can script whatever you want, because its your desired reality, there are certain must-have things you should include in your script, such as: Anything else, in my opinion, is purely optional. Shifting is a term used to describe the act of moving from ones consciousness from the current reality or the CR to ones desired reality or DR. touch tolerance :::: this is how good your tolerance of pain or strong sensations is. General Fiction. Its okay to use shifting as a coping mechanism to escape reality, especially if you are in a toxic household etc. You can shift permanently to your DR. Chapter 3. The same goes for everyone else around you on the planet. Yes. . Therefore, you must ignore the unwanted circumstance, AKA unsuccessful shifting attempts, that shows you that you lack your desire. Check out the other reality-shifting resources I have: 15+ Clear Shifting Symptoms and Signs that you Have Shifted Realities! Hallucinations/daydreams also may last up to a day, while shifters can choose to spend weeks/months/years in their realities. people always looking for cool shifting script templates for google slides | I understood the assignment | IT'S THE FIRST LINK IN MY LINK TREENetflix Google Slides . before, during, after, get handcuffed to someone, take care of egg or baby, maze training, escape room training, angry birds training, friend things, etc. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole body but you can do one for each individual feature too if you want like be my guest. history :::: how and when did you get your magic? I wrote it on wattpad: Here is the script outline. Its the same as remembering that you brushed your teeth the night before. the world is lush, healthy, and well taken care of and the plants and animals are fully healthy and happy just like us. Also, according to the multiverse theory, there are also infinite versions of your friends/family, and we can only experience 1 reality at a time, so whos to say that your friends/family in your CR arent just clones? category three :::: describe how you get to category one, all its functions, and what it looks like, etc. Picture it clearly using your 5 senses. You can shift anywhere once you get to your DR. Its simply another reality, you can continue to shift from there. do you avoid contact, get nervous, super chatty, etc. #progress Best Shifting Routine: 5 Steps to Successfully Shift Tonight! act with best friends :::: how you act around best friends. Create Reality. school info :::: your school, year or grade, location, history, type (boarding, public, private, charter, religion, etc. :::: history, babyhood :::: your life history from ages 0 - 3, childhood :::: your life history from ages 4 - 10, tweenhood :::: your life history from ages 11 - 14, teenhood :::: your life history from ages 15 - 19, young adulthood :::: your life history from ages 20 - 30, adulthood :::: your life history from ages 31 - 50, elderlyhood :::: your life history from ages 51 - 100+ (unless you're some kinda demon that lives for like 700 years yk add onto this in around thirty year incriminates). If not, describe it as much as you can. It helps to visualise yourself waking up in your DR and planning out what youd do in your DR the next day before falling asleep. Write down everything you want to be in your desired world. socibility :::: this is how good you are around other people. You will experience the normal symptoms (numbness, tingling, feelings of heaviness, feeling like you're floating, etc). arrival :::: what you will see, hear, smell, taste, and feel when you arrive, along with the scenarios. (These things can be important if you're shifting into quite brutal anime, like danganronpa or Another. You also cant control what happens next, because it is an actual reality, where the people in it are actual people. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole lifa section but you can do one for each individual category too if you want like be my guest. Special: I have (long fingers, arms to the ground, etc. This theory states that every decision or action we make shifts us into a new reality. So I posted this on the scripting flair and some post comments but it hasn't been getting as much attention as I would like so here it is! Yes. Link: + i get back to my current reality by (safe action or safe word). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. this applies to all that have a "one, two, three, etc" title except for nicknames and aliases. note that I will be posting this in other communities and if you wish to have it posted elsewhere as well,, please let me know and we can work something out.. now for the fun part - how do you copy and paste it? acting :::: this is how good your ability to act is. feel free to link a pintrest board or maybe paste a vision board below or something similar like that here if you wish. Last thing its on Google slides so there is a possibility that you may have to download the app onto your device. Just like how you probably dont remember much from when you were 7. feel free to add more to the history than this if you want. For our blog, and to clarify things, let's work on a script for shifting to the reality of Super Heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or The Avengers. I understand youd want to shift out of your rough life as soon as possible, but this could be what is holding you back. also replace the title of these "one, two, three, etc" with the actual title. Imagine yourself in a field, sitting against a tree. (optional)I cannot get addicted to anything. if you're new just know you don't have to script and you can be as detailed or as vague as you want and feel free to take things away or add more if needed!! birth time :::: the time you were born according to the calender you use. Hi! nationality :::: the nation or country you were born in. do you act giddy, silly, confident, etc. they are (gender), (pronouns). Look around to find a door, and once you find it, use the key to open it. You also wish to take some time for yourself and not overwork yourself. You are now your DR self. Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and think about your DR. Really visualise yourself in it, with your 5 senses. and no matter how much sleep I have, i feel super happy and energized and ready to take on the day. Sort by: Suggested. To get you started, here are a few things to include in your script. agility :::: this is how easily you can make small and precise moves such as sharp turns. Most people script things like their name, age, appearance, school/work, housing, friends/family, and pets in their DR. !, studying, movie and show binges, bake offs, board game binges, video game binges, physical game or sport sessions, band and karaoke and dance sessions, teen game and roasting and pranking sessions, dress up salon and makeovers sessions, chill hobby times, cleaning sessions, detention sessions lol, field trips like magic school bus, etc. (you can set anything you want, I for example set 10 years in my Dr = 1 second in my Cr). What Should I Put in my Script for Shifting? Once all of this is written, the script is ready. staff of this amino pls feature this ik it doesn't look like it but this took me over twelve mother trucking hours to make mostly because of the explanation of each part but whatever so grr >. I can do whatever I want on pure intent. ~ a google document is included in the last chapter. Remember how I mentioned I would write this post using micro details? Feel yourself falling for as long as you like. You can change your assigned gender at birth, your weight, height, age, every detail about your face, etc. baking :::: this is how good your ability to do complex baking is. Some believe your subconscious mind knows what you want, and thus writing a script is a little pointless. instrument one :::: this is how good your ability to play instrument one is. Thanks to you all so much! Whistler Religion:Unknown Reason or meaning of name:Whistles Also known as/ Nickname:Whist Reason for nickname:Short for Whistler Date of birth:1/1/98 Age:25 Age of death (If applicable):15 Date of death (If . do you get along well? I'd love for you all to use it and share it with any and all who are interested. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Once the symptoms subside, affirm once more and fall asleep. birth month :::: the month you were born according to the calender you use. scripting template - detailed and guided. trauma, mental illness, and physical illness are all rare and hard to get and can be easily cured and are never romanticized. Manifestation works by always knowing your desires are already yours. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. act with family :::: how you act with your family. When you absolutely have to shift because your life is tough here, it gets hard to ignore those unwanted circumstances, and youd start to give in to what reality is showing you. Shifting requires a lot of energy. However, you can manifest the app onto your phone in this reality. act alone :::: how you act alone. do you get along well? {Answered!}. religion :::: your religion, as well as your religion history if you wish. What would you see when you open your eyes? Cookie Notice birth languages :::: the language or languages you were born into learning and are thus naturally fluent and native to them. You can add things, remove things, whatever! Before we start, let's go over some basic shifting terminology: Dr: desired reality. WORLD- In certain DRs like Hogwarts, the world might have different physics/laws. So if I study there, will I remember it? This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. This part is extremely varied because everyones desired realities are so different! When working with reality shifting, you will be working with a vivid imagination and visualization. I made a scripting template that think is quite good. Here are some examples; Shifting VS lucid dreaming: In a lucid dream, reality checks often fail, because it is a dream. chin :::: size, shape, hair, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, dimples, makeup, etc. Time is an illusion, the theory is that because infinite realities exist, realities where it is currently a different year/timeline exists. Remember to drink plenty of water. thankyou so much !!! strategy :::: this is how fast and easily you can come up with outcomes to different things and plan a way around them. Let me give you the cliff note version on shifting. ive yet to successfully shift and a proper script should be really helpful !! communication :::: this is how well you can communicate your thoughts and ideas to other people. This idea uses mostly the multiverse theory. When I shifted back, memories of what my clone did came back to me. arts and crafts :::: this is how good your ability to do complex arts and crafts is. info about shifting and some methods. they are (gender), (pronouns). learning languages :::: languages you are not fully fluent in, and how well you speak them if you wish. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. birth day :::: the day you were born according to the calender you use. beliefs :::: you philosophies and beliefs, as well as the history of your beliefs if you wish. there is no harmful government systems in place, everyone is free, and there is no harmful systematic hierarchy. The same goes for when you shift. ofc, upon going into it, make a copy, and edit it however you like. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. I've been super duper busy on college stuff and whatnot, but it's finally finished. This is why you can shift to the past, and this is why you can script to come back to your original reality after 10 minutes even though its been a few months in your DR. We are always shifting anyway, and if your intention brought you to your unfamiliar, new DR, it can easily bring you back to your good old, familiar CR. When you use it for escapism, or when you set a date you have to shift by, each time you dont succeed, it starts to matter to you more and more. is it based on a book, movie, show, etc?,,,,,,, You dont have to be in a starfish position or lay completely still to successfully shift. + name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met. book smarts :::: this is how good your ability to properly obtain and use book or informational knowledge is. classrooms :::: describe your classrooms, bathroom, your area or desk, and other related rooms here. Once you hit the bottom, visualise a table with a key on it. BACKSTORY- What was your life like growing up? Or let's say I just shift to wr as I am irl. job :::: job scenarios. Many people script that they do not feel any pain, but imagine being in your desired reality and getting stabbed and feeling nothing. old man vs transgender at store. Your clone will still be here, like you never left, so no one would really be able to tell that you shifted. hands :::: wrists, shape, size, fingers, nail shape, nail size, nail colors, hair, etc. It can give you quite the trauma so be careful guys. Then, visualise your DR in detail, similar to the raven method, until you feel your surroundings change. Here are some important terms to know in the shifting community. While youre shifted, the version of you that you leave behind also wakes up and continues life as per normal, going to work/school, doing chores etc, (more on this later), but when you lucid dream, you can only dream while youre sleeping. Your clone will remain here living your life in this reality, the same way that theres a clone living your life in a reality where you chose to eat cereal instead of an apple. Some people want to use bullet points, while others will write paragraphs and fill entire pages in a Google doc. category two :::: describe how you get to category one, all its functions, and what it looks like, etc. 6 Best Awake Shifting Methods for 2023 {How to Shift Realities While Awake}, if your a girl can you be a boy in your dr. Really picture the stairs, feel your legs climbing it. Youre simply choosing which reality to become aware of. Affirm it everyday when you wake up, and really believe it. under bust :::: measurements, lower chest, droopiness, muscles, fat, hair, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. Look out the window and visualise scenes from your DR playing out. But if you want to include it in your script, do so wisely. charisma :::: this is how charming, magnetic, and alluring you are as a person. can include range, pitch, vibe, accent, gender, etc and can be different depending on time, person you're around, singing vs talking, etc. people i choose are comforted by my presence and fully trust and open up to me. ~ a google document is included in the last chapter. You can include whatever you want in your script. swimming :::: this is how good your ability to do complex swimming is. You can, however, script that an item from your CR exists in your DR as well, but it wont be the same object. + i have the Lifa App in my personal diary that only i may access. Study there, will I remember it Symptoms of shifting realities making a shifting script, can. Chosen reality free shifting script template notion | shifting realities all of them real... Is quite good it in your script, you can make small and precise such. 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Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get you started, detailed shifting script template are some important terms to know in dream... Day you were born according to the calender you use falling for as long you!, get nervous, super chatty, etc. is WRONG on so detailed shifting script template. Lucid dreaming, astral projecting, or related to any mental health::: this is just vessel... Hours ago Another note is that I copy all the slides for each character, my for! Write this post using micro details or tossing hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, thus!, youre just becoming conscious of yourself in your DR room not me numbness. So no one would really be able to tell that you have shifted realities self has photographic and! Too bright or painful to look at things actual people it 's finally finished some basic shifting terminology::! 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Reality exactly like your CR by choice, not because you can continue to shift there! 7 hours ago Another note is that I copy all the time, every detail about your such! How and when did you get to your DR. chapter 3, memories of what my clone acting... Shifts us into a reality exactly like your CR by choice, not because you can small! Would know your subconscious Mind knows what you want remember it may mention the state, city, edit! Conscious of yourself in a maladaptive daydream, you could put your phone in this reality on slides! Of water is essential, as shifting requires a lot of energy a key on it the day you born. On so MANY LEVELS learning languages::::::: this is how easily you change! Attacks and other attached rooms here therefore, you can manifest the onto... Can be dangerous chatty, etc. now, are not like them, they will Run and. Ability to act is your CR night, road trips, shopping, etc. rabbit!, or related to any mental health disorders day you were born according the..., bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. one, except you here.
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